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Solgar Curcumin - dietary supplement review

Solgar Curcumin - dietary supplement review

Curcumin is a nutrient with a wide spectrum of effects. It strengthens the immune system, improves cell regeneration, has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. The difficulty lies in the fact that with food its daily rate to get...

Modern BCAA by Usplabs

Modern BCAA by Usplabs

The abbreviation BCAA denotes a complex of three essential (not synthesized in the body, but necessary for its stable functioning) amino acids: isoleucine, valine and leucine. They play an important role in building muscle fiber proteins....

Throwing the ball on the floor

Throwing the ball on the floor

7K CrossFit Exercise 0 12/31/2016 (last revised: 07/01/2019) Throwing the ball on the floor (Slamball) is a functional exercise that is a powerful force with the whole body and has an explosive nature. Typically used within...

Video Tutorial: Long Distance Running Technique

Video Tutorial: Long Distance Running Technique

Share the video with your friends, they will be grateful to you! Also, don't forget not to slouch while running. The chest should protrude slightly forward, and the shoulders. respectively, laid back. Also, do not run on bent legs, as if sneaking....

Bag deadlift

Bag deadlift

The Sandbag Deadlift is a functional exercise that mimics the classic barbell deadlift. This exercise should sometimes be included in your training program to introduce a little variety and so that you...

What is fitboxing?

What is fitboxing?

Goodies for beginners 2K 0 06/03/2019 (last revised: 07/01/2019) Fitbox is a group fitness lesson of the aerobic type. To the music, punches and kicks are applied to the pear. The instructor composes the workout himself, any single...
