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Category: Crossfit

Natrol Biotin - Supplement Review

Vitamins 1K 0 01/22/2019 (last revised: 05/22/2019) A healthy person can be identified by their appearance. Smooth and firm skin, thick and shiny hair are immediately striking. They are primarily affected by the impact...

Crossfit pedestal jumping

Box jumping is one of those distinctive exercises that, after seeing which, you can say: this is definitely from CrossFit! Along with burpees, box jumps have become one of the basic gymnastic exercises in this technique. Today we will tell you what it is...

Watermelon diet

The watermelon diet belongs to the category of purifying mono-diets. You need to understand that it definitely does not belong to the category of health benefits. However, if you have a very urgent need to lose weight, you do not have chronic diseases and you are ready to expose your...

What is curcumin and what benefits does it have?

When studying effective sports supplements, one cannot ignore the modern achievements of biochemistry. The development of science contributes to the appearance on the market of new drugs and formulations. More recently, scientists, for example, found out that curcumin (a compound that...

Protein and gainer - how these supplements differ

Not only novice athletes, but also experienced athletes are not always aware of the difference between the types of sports nutrition. Many people cannot even explain for what purpose protein or gainer is taken. The fact is that both supplements are designed to fill the gap...

Fat metabolism (lipid metabolism) in the body

We continue to consider the topic of metabolic processes. It's time to move on to fine-tuning the athlete's nutrition. Understanding all the nuances of metabolism is the key to athletic performance. Fine tuning will allow you to move away from classic dietary formulas...

Beginner Tabata Workouts

Continuing to consider individual areas of fitness, one cannot fail to mention the Tabata protocol. This workout approach to interval training was originally developed by a Japanese scientist as an effective weight loss tool. Previously used as...