Dates are the fruit of the date palm that grows in hot tropical countries. In their homeland, berries are popular in fresh, dried, dried form, but they usually come to us dry. These are products that are famous not only for their useful, but also for medicinal properties.
At the same time, one should be aware of what harm dates can cause to health and the body as a whole, what are the contraindications to their use. Athletes and dieters are familiar with these dried fruits.
From the article you will learn the most important information about the composition, benefits and contraindications to the use of dates.
Calorie content of dates
The calorie content of dates of different edible varieties is practically the same. Also, the number of calories in fruits does not differ much depending on the method of preparation of the product - dried, dried, fresh, with or without a bone.
Nutritionists recommend replacing chocolates with these dried fruits. Date palm fruit is an ingredient for preparing a variety of desserts for tea, syrups, pasta, honey, fruit and vegetable salads, baking fillings, even vinegar and alcoholic beverages. Accordingly, the calorie content of all these dishes will be much lower than that where sugar would be used.
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Dried royal dates will taste sweet, while dried dates will remain fleshy, sugary and tender. As mentioned earlier, these fruits can also be purchased fresh, with or without pits. There is a difference in calorie content per 100 g, albeit not fundamental. More details in the table below.
Date type | Calories per 100 grams |
Fresh with bone | 240 kcal |
Dried with bone | 283 kcal |
Pitted dried | 274 kcal |
Dried with bone | 292 kcal |
As you can see, fresh dates are the least high in calories. The specificity of drying fruits from which the core has been removed makes the dried pitted product less nutritious than the one in which the pitted remains. For the same reason, the former contain fewer nutrients. But the difference in kilocalories is small.
The calorie content of one berry is also almost the same: one fresh, dried and dried piece contains 20-25 kcal (average for all types). Thanks to this, the berries, charging the body with energy and giving a charge of vigor, also act as a tonic. That is, dates are an excellent substitute for sweets that are too high in calories.
Useful properties and chemical composition of fruits
The beneficial properties of the fruit are due to their chemical composition. Dates - foods that contain vitamins bring great benefits to the human body. These amazing dried fruits contain over 10 different vitamins. Dates are rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), provitamin A, vitamins D, K, C, PP. These biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs.
Let's note the nutritional value of products (BZHU). On average, 100 g of all types of dates contain about 2.6 g of proteins, 0.6 g of fat and 69.5 g of carbohydrates, 20 g of water and 6 g of dietary fiber.
B vitamins contribute to the normalization of metabolism and brain activity. Moreover, each vitamin of the group has its own useful and healing properties. Thanks to the intake of vitamin B2, hair, nails and skin will be healthy, and the production of red blood cells will be stable. Vitamin B5 is essential for the breakdown of fats and is also involved in the production of certain hormones in both men and women. Vitamin B9 is indispensable in the treatment of some forms of anemia.
Vitamins A and C are reliable defenders of the body. These are natural antioxidants that can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer cells. By stimulating the immune system, it is vitamins A and C that prevent bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances from entering the body. ...
Dates benefit the pancreas, stomach, intestines of a person due to the presence of fiber in their composition. These fruits are recommended for use with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that the daily rate of fruits (3-5 pieces per day) will put all the digestive organs in order. The benefits of dried fruits do not end there. Dates have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory system. Since ancient times, these small-sized dried foods have been used in the treatment of anemia, hypertension, and other diseases of the heart and blood.
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This effect of dates is due to the presence in their chemical composition of not only vitamins, but also useful micro- and macroelements. The fruits are rich in magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, boron, sulfur, cobalt and other minerals. Literally 10 dried fruits will provide the daily intake of these nutrients. For example, potassium stabilizes blood pressure, but pectin in combination with vitamin PP will lower blood cholesterol levels and resist the development of atherosclerosis. The benefit of dates lies in the effect on the organs of the genitourinary system. Fruits remove spasms and fight inflammation.
Dried fruits contain the amino acid tryptophan. Scientists have proven that this substance has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Tryptophan is involved in the production of serotonin, which is responsible for mood. The hormone is synthesized in the body and helps to increase stress resistance, counteracts the influence of external stimuli and favors a calm perception of the world around. With the participation of the same amino acid, the hormone melatonin is synthesized, which has a calming effect on the body. For this reason, dates are recommended in the fight against insomnia.
The fruit of the date palm is recommended for women in the last months of pregnancy and just before childbirth. It is believed that the presence of vitamins and biologically active substances in dried fruits has an antispasmodic effect, that is, it reduces pain during childbirth.
As for men, dates help to increase potency, causing an increase in strength and energy. All this is due to the presence of a large amount of zinc in products. In some countries, dried fruits are considered natural aphrodisiacs!
So, legends are not in vain about the benefits of dates - this product really has a lot of useful properties. They have a beneficial effect on the immune, circulatory, cardiovascular, nervous, genitourinary system, as well as the skin.
Let's draw a conclusion: dates are not only possible to enter into the diet, but also necessary. Unless, of course, you have any contraindications to the use of this fruit.
Harm to the figure and contraindications to use
Despite the beneficial properties, dates also have a harmful effect on the body. In order not to harm the body, you should adhere to the norm and not overeat the fruit. The main contraindications are as follows:
- Since dates contain sugar, diabetics should be extremely careful with the use of this fruit. In any case, first of all, you need to consult with your doctor and build on his recommendations.
- Obese people should also be careful. Again, due to the presence of sugar in dates. Those who are prone to obesity should also be careful. Overeating will lead to weight gain. People who want to lose weight or keep fit can use dates as a treat and only in the morning. Dates in the evening or before bed are not the best diet solution. In this case, excess weight can not be avoided.
- The sugar content of dates negatively affects the condition of the tooth enamel. After eating the fruit, a yellow plaque remains on the teeth. Therefore, if you have caries, it is better not to consume dates.
- Fruits are contraindicated for people who are allergic to dried fruits. Dates, dried apricots, raisins are quite allergenic products, so if you feel worse after taking them, you need to visit the hospital and find out if you have an individual intolerance to these berries.
Also, studies confirm that it is recommended to stop eating dates for women and men with constant headaches, migraines, pulsation in the temporal region, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sand, stones and other identified formations in the kidneys.
So, dates cause harm to the human body mainly because of the sugar in their composition. Contraindications should be adhered to to avoid health problems.
Dates in sports nutrition
For athletes, dates are an incredibly useful product that has a beneficial effect on the body before and after exercise. Also, these fruits are recommended for the athlete of strength disciplines during the drying period. Despite the fact that dates contain enough sugar, and the calorie content is relatively high, they are allowed to be consumed during the diet period. Only one thing is required of a person - to adhere to the intake rate.
Some nutritionists came to the conclusion that if you sit on a strict mono-diet, but at the same time adhere to fasting days (water combined with dried fruits), then in 7-10 days you can get rid of 5-6 extra pounds. It is assumed that a person will eat no more than 10 pieces of dates and wash them down with purified water or tea without sugar.
Thanks to such a quantity of dried fruits, you will get the energy and vigor the body needs, and the sweetness in their taste will dull the feeling of hunger. Such a diet can last no more than two days. After that, it is necessary to return to proper nutrition and only after a certain period of time again proceed to unloading with the help of dates and water. It is allowed to drink low-fat milk during the date diet.
Let's share some tips:
- The daily allowance is about 300 g of dates.
- Divide the indicated number of fruits into five equal parts - that is, the food will be five times a day.
- After taking dates, wash them down with a glass of skim milk or kefir.
- Drink sugar-free green or herbal teas throughout the day, and do not limit yourself to drinking water. You should drink more than two liters of fluid per day.
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In addition to the fact that fasting days will improve metabolism and reduce weight, you will also cleanse the intestines and stomach from toxins, restore the water-salt balance. The reviews of nutritionists about such a procedure are mostly positive.
People who go in for sports know that the date is a product that saturates the body with energy. That is why bodybuilders and other athletes are allowed to eat dried fruit before vigorous workouts, so that, thanks to the carbohydrate reserve, they have as much energy as possible. But no more than a few berries are allowed to use before physical exertion. After training, when the feeling of hunger wakes up, you can also eat a couple of dates, wash them down with water or green tea. This will give satiety, restore strength for further vigorous activity. The potassium contained in dates after exercise is good for muscles, phosphorus - for bones and ligaments, magnesium - for soft tissues.
So, Chinese, Iranian, royal and other dates are universal products, the benefits of which for the human body are simply enormous. However, you should not abuse the fruits and exceed the permissible consumption of the product. We must not forget about the contraindications to the use of sweet berries. Eat a balanced diet and stay healthy!