In an intense sport like CrossFit, pain, discomfort, or even injury during training is common. In this article, we will discuss whether it is possible to adapt the exercises for athletes with wrist and elbow injuries. And we will also clearly show in the video exercises for injuries of the wrist and elbow, which are ideal for athletes who are injured during training.
If you start to feel pain or discomfort while exercising CrossFit, be sure to consult with your trainer and physical therapist. But remember that during injury rehabilitation, there is no reason not to continue exercising. The main thing is to know how you can adapt your usual exercises in such a way that during the recovery period after an injury, you do not put unnecessary stress on the damaged joints.
Stopping training is not an option, everyone knows it. Especially when it is not absolutely necessary. Sometimes we just need to get some rest, catch our breath, recover and get back in line to work with double strength.
After consulting with a physical therapist, we decided to tell you how you can tailor your workout or specific exercise for the injured athlete. In this case, we will focus on injuries to the elbow joint and wrist.
Option number 1: raising the knees to the elbows
In this version of the exercise, dynamic activation of the main muscles, static activation of the shoulders and latissimus dorsi is important. At the same time, we try to stabilize and not use the elbow and wrist in our work. That is, when performing the exercise, we do without a hand grip, using special loops for training that support the arm to the elbow.
Option number 2: work with a barbell
In barbell work, whether it be squats, chest pulls or jerk balance, we must remember about the dynamic activation of the muscles of the legs, core and back, as well as the static activation of the shoulder girdle. When doing the barbell exercise, try to keep your injured elbow and wrist out of the work as much as possible. When lifting the bar, hold on to the bar and pull the projectile with both hands, but you must catch it with only one hand. If this is not possible, temporarily use other equipment such as kettlebells.
Option number 3: pull-ups
To perform these exercises correctly in the presence of an elbow or wrist injury, dynamic activation of the muscles of the torso and arms, static activation of the abdominal and lumbar muscles are important. Focus on your core muscles. The exercise is ideal for crossfitters, gymnasts and young athletes for the following two reasons:
- they know how to keep their balance well in order not to lose control and not damage the second hand;
- the exercise requires a high level of strength, which they certainly have.
Option number 4: work with a barbell on the shoulders
Dynamic activation of leg muscles, static activation of the abdominals and shoulder. Again, we try not to include the elbow and wrists.
Option number 5: basic exercise
The exercise below is related to basic training and involves the activation of the core muscles, static activation of the spinal erectors, hip and shoulder stabilizers during the execution.
We have presented just a few examples of how you can adapt the exercise to continue your CrossFit workout. Remember, adaptation is not always the best option for an athlete. More often than not, rest is the best option. In any case, the most appropriate decision is to consult with your trainer and physical therapist about how to treat injuries and exercise if any.
When deciding to continue training even if there is an injury, focus on the technical side of the movement, paying special attention to the technique of working with weight, so as not to aggravate the existing injury and not provoke a new one.
You can also watch some useful videos about general rehabilitation after various injuries of the elbows and wrists: