Nicotinic acid, PP or niacin is vitamin B3 that comes in two varieties: animal and plant origin. If we are talking about an animal source, then we have nicotinamide, if we are talking about plants - nicotinic acid. B3 is synthesized by the human body itself from the essential amino acid tryptophan in small quantities.
Niacin is very important for the body. It participates in lipid metabolism, hormonal regulation of the body, redox processes, corrects sugar and cholesterol levels. There are no analogs to B3. Unsurprisingly, any fluctuations in blood levels are immediately noticeable and require balancing.
Despite the fact that niacin is involved in many essential life processes, it is most important as a catalyst for oxidation and reduction in the body. It is able to effectively burn fat and stimulate tissue growth and regeneration. This automatically makes it a major player in energy and cholesterol metabolism.
Its optimal amount is a guarantor against hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thrombosis.
B3 balances nerve cells to prevent migraines. It also improves the functioning of the digestive tube. Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are involved in tissue respiration and hemoglobin synthesis.
Human hormonal levels are also dependent on niacin. Without it, the synthesis of insulin, estrogen, testosterone, thyroxine, cortisone, progesterone is impossible. In other words, niacin supports the functioning of all internal organs and tissues by controlling amino acid metabolism. In practical medicine, the treatment of polyarthritis and diabetes mellitus, heart pathologies is unthinkable without it.
If you briefly list all the functions performed by acid, you get a pretty impressive list. PP:
- balances cellular respiration;
- removes "bad" cholesterol;
- allows you to economically use energy reserves;
- improves the assimilation of plant proteins;
- dilates blood vessels;
- transforms hair, nails, skin, improving their nutrition and oxygen supply;
- normalizes visual function;
- detoxifies the body;
- relieves allergies;
- blocks the degeneration of normal cells into cancerous ones.
These properties of niacin allow it to be widely used both in medicine and in sports.
Niacin and athletes
In sports, such capabilities of niacin are used as the ability to expand the capillaries of the brain, thin the blood, prevent blood clots, reduce swelling, pastiness, and affect memory and coordination of movements. In other words, it is in sports that the state of the body's redox processes, its biochemical basis for normal life, is important.
Increasing the concentration of vitamin B3 improves both oxidation and recovery. It works as a catalyst to speed up these processes.
In practice, this means that the digestion of products entering the body is improved, that is, proteins, fats, carbohydrates are absorbed as quickly as possible - the building material of cells, tissues, organs. They enter the bloodstream from the intestines at an increased rate and are carried throughout the body.
Under the influence of niacin, tissue nutrition is improved in all possible ways: blood flow is accelerated, more oxygen is supplied to cells, metabolic processes are stimulated. As a result, the efficiency of the muscles improves, endurance and athletic performance increase.
The body's reaction becomes as fast as possible. In bodybuilding, pumping is also improved - a subjective feeling of muscle expansion, due to the maximum blood flow to them. Muscles grow in volume, get the opportunity for venous drawing. All this happens on a natural basis.
Drawing veins is impossible without a low concentration of lipids in the body. So B3 removes fat. This is not surprising, because it is the main component in lipid metabolism, it naturally removes "bad" cholesterol, that is, it frees the body from unnecessary fat reserves.
But nicotinamide or PP has one drawback. It negatively affects the heart muscle in overdose. More than 100 mg of niacin is taboo. If we forget about this, then the rate of fat oxidation will sharply decrease, and with it the contractility of the myocardium will also decrease.
In addition, a failure in fat metabolism will lead to the deposition of "bad" cholesterol in the form of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which will change their permeability and elasticity. As a result, the concentration of lipoproteins in the blood will begin to increase, threatening hypertension and the development of thrombosis.
Daily intake table
Niacin, like any other vitamin, has its own daily intake, which depends on the amount of calories received from food. For 1000 Kcal - about 6.6 mg PP.
Gender and age | Years | Consumption rate per day mg / day |
Newborn | Up to six months | 1,5 |
Babies | Up to a year | 5 |
Kids | Up to three years | 7 |
Children | Up to 8 years | 9 |
Teenagers | Up to 14 years old | 12 |
Men | Over 15 years old | 16 |
Women | Over 15 years old | 14 |
Pregnant women | Out of age | 18 |
Lactating women | Out of age | 17 |
A lack of niacin leads to the following symptoms:
- dry, flaky skin;
- dyspepsia, constipation;
- aphthae in the mouth;
- lack of appetite;
- weakness, feeling of chronic fatigue, malaise, weakness;
- nervousness, irritability;
- craving for high-calorie foods, sweets;
- fast fatiguability.
Who is PP shown and not shown to?
If we talk about indications and contraindications, then it is necessary to distinguish between them in medical practice and in sports.
In medicine, niacin is indicated for:
- problems with the cardiovascular system;
- diabetes mellitus;
- obesity;
- blood clotting disorder;
- anemia;
- avitaminosis;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- functional disorders of the nervous system;
- degenerative changes in the skin, hair, nails;
- prevention of neoplasms.
But this does not mean that niacin is effective only for pathologies. He also helps athletes in many ways. For example, with the help of nicotinic acid, it is good to lose weight by removing small amounts due to the oxidation of harmful fats.
In weightlifting, B3 protects bones from arthritis and arthrosis by removing free radicals and stimulating the regeneration of bone tissue and ligaments. Finally, PP stimulates muscle growth through blood flow, improved nutrition and oxygen delivery.
There are few contraindications for niacin. It is not recommended for those with symptoms:
- individual intolerance;
- allergies;
- atherosclerosis;
- hypertension;
- ulcerative erosive processes in the intestine;
- gout;
- liver dysfunction;
- diabetes mellitus.
It is inappropriate to take niacin during pregnancy and lactation.
Instructions for use
Niacin comes in a variety of forms. In the form of tablets, niacin is taken by athletes 0.02 g three times a day, after meals.
If we are talking about a disease, the dosage is calculated by the doctor and depends on the treatment regimen for the underlying pathology.
The admission rules are as follows:
- the standard dose is 20 mg, the daily dose is 1 g, the maximum is 6 g;
- drink solid forms with plenty of liquid;
- drink more milk, which softens the effect of the drug on the mucous membrane of the digestive system;
- additionally take ascorbic acid, which removes niacin from the body;
- course reception, not one-time.
B3 cannot be classified as a fat burner in its purest form. It does not by itself promote weight loss, but is involved in metabolism in such a way that it stimulates the production of pancreatic juice and serotonin, the hormone of joy. The synthesis of the latter is activated by insulin, and fast carbohydrates stimulate it.
In practice, this means that with a lack of PP, a serotonin deficiency occurs, which is easiest to replace with cakes and chocolate. As a result - extra pounds. The merit of niacin is to reduce cravings for starchy foods and sweets.
It turns out that the more serotonin in the body, the less the need for carbohydrates and high-calorie food. And balances the level of secretion of the hormone of happiness niacin.
An increase in vitality, an increase in physical activity leads to a real weight loss of up to 7 kg in a couple of months. It should be remembered that niacin is not a panacea for all ills, it catalyzes, that is, accelerates the process of burning fat, but does not destroy the extra pounds itself. Removes fat - balanced nutrition and movement.
Side effects
Despite the fact that niacin is a vitamin, it is included in the list of pharmacological agents. Vitamins and vitamin-like drugs have their own side effects. Sometimes they are very serious and deserve unconditional attention. The most common are:
- erythema of the skin and hot flashes;
- lightheadedness with dizziness;
- rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
- a sharp drop in blood pressure.
The most serious is a drop in blood pressure, which can lead to collapse and cardiac arrest. All side effects appear immediately after taking niacin. They are associated with the effect of the vitamin on blood vessels. He has the ability to vasodilate. The vasodilation causes hypotension. In parallel, hepatocytes of the liver and pancreatic pancreas can negatively work, which will lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. All together can cause fainting or loss of consciousness. therefore, uncontrolled intake of niacin is strictly contraindicated. Especially hypotensive.
Its dosage should be monitored by a doctor. When the drug is discontinued, the patient's condition returns to normal on its own. In the event of a collapse, an ambulance is needed.
Signs of a possible pathological reaction can be hyperthermia of the arms and legs, redness of the décolleté and neck. These are the first signs of trouble from taking niacin. This is explained by the release of histamine into the bloodstream. This reaction should be stopped with fast-acting antihistamines. Thus, in addition to the benefits of B3, direct harm is also possible.