Correct weight loss is getting rid of excess fat in the body. We talked about how the process of fat burning in the body occurs in the article: How is the process of burning fat in the body.
Today we will talk about the basics of weight loss nutrition, so that this principle is fully implemented.
Food alternation
Our body knows how to adapt to everything. And to the lack of energy too. For example, if you will be run every day for 1 hourthen you will consistently lose fat. But if you continue to do this without increasing the speed, then the body will sooner or later adapt to the load and find reserve sources of energy so as not to waste stored fat. Usually a month and a half is enough to develop a habit. But the figure is conditional. It may differ for everyone.
That is why the body should not be allowed to get used to, including in terms of food. If you eat exclusively the right foods, then it will turn out like running, at first there will be a result, then it will stop.
Protein-carbohydrate alternation comes to the rescue, the essence of which is that for several days we eat exclusively proteins, then we give the body a load, filling it with carbohydrates, and after that we smoothly switch back to protein days.
What is the meaning of alternation
In protein-carbohydrate alternation, there is such a thing as a cycle. During this cycle, you eat exclusively proteins for several days, then you make carbohydrates for one day, and another transitional day, when you eat carbohydrates half of the day and proteins for the second half.
In order to burn fat, the body needs protein, or rather the enzymes that protein contains. If there are few of these enzymes in the body, then fat will be burned poorly.
So, 2 or 3 protein days in a cycle serve to saturate the body with enzymes for fat burning, while freeing the body from glycogen, which, with a large amount of it, will be used as an energy source instead of fats. Because of what the weight will not go away. Protein foods primarily include chicken, fish, eggs.
It would seem that the scheme is perfect. Why alternation, if you can sit exclusively on a protein diet and get everything you need to lose weight. But this is where the body's ability to adapt lies. If he is not given variety, then sooner or later he will get used to protein foods and will also find alternative energy. Also, too much protein is unhealthy.
Therefore, after 2-3 days of protein comes the day of "gluttony" when you can eat carbohydrates. This does not mean that on this day you can and should eat everything related to sugar. You need to eat healthy "slow" carbohydrates, which are found mainly in cereals, such as buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, rolled oats. If you want, then in the first half of the carbohydrate day you can eat sweets or a slice of cake.
The final day of your cycle is called a “moderate carb day,” when you eat the same food in the morning as you did on your carb day. And in the afternoon you eat everything that you ate in protein.
The essence of the cycle is that we first fill the body with the necessary enzymes to burn fat and remove all glycogen. Usually more than a kilogram is lost after protein days. After that, we let the body understand that protein days are not forever and you don't need to get used to them. To do this, we fill the body with useful carbohydrates. On this day, there is a slight weight gain. A day of moderate consumption serves for a smooth transition. Usually after a cycle, body weight decreases slightly. That is, weight loss after protein days is always greater than weight gain after carbohydrate days.
More articles from which you will learn other principles of effective weight loss:
1. How to run to keep fit
2. Is it possible to lose weight forever
3. Interval jogging or "fartlek" for weight loss
4. How long should you run
Reusable meals
Another very important point in nutrition is that you need to eat 6 times a day. This is necessary so that the metabolism is always going on. Of course, you don't have to gorge yourself all 6 times. Eating breakfast is the biggest meal of the day. Lunch and dinner, which are also full meals. And there are 3 more snacks between breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. In these snacks, you need to eat some kind of fruit or some food left over from lunch or dinner.
Constantly tossing food into the "furnace" of your body will make your metabolism improve. And this, in fact, is the main problem of all people who are overweight - poor metabolism.
Drink plenty of water
Again, in order to have a good metabolism in the body, you must drink plenty of water, namely 1.5-2 liters per day. Moreover, this volume does not include drinks, but only pure water.
The best way to follow this principle is to fill a 1.5 liter bottle with water and drink it throughout the day.
Together with physical activity, this method of losing weight is effective and extremely useful. Such weight loss is aimed precisely at reducing excess fat, and not at reducing muscle mass.