Surely, if you are running, you have noticed that sometimes the workout goes very well, and sometimes there is absolutely no strength to carry out the stated training program. So that you do not have a fear that you are doing something wrong in terms of the training program, let's figure out why this is happening.
Health problems
There are diseases that will simply prevent you from exercising, and you will always notice them. For example, if you have a muscle injury in your leg or the flu. But there are diseases that are difficult to notice at their initial stage of development, if the body is not given increased physical activity.
These diseases primarily include the initial stage of the common cold. That is, the organism has already "caught" the virus, but it has not yet turned into a disease. Therefore, your body strenuously resists the virus to prevent it from spreading. But if you give him some kind of increased load, then he is forced to spend energy on fighting the virus and on training. Consequently, it releases less energy for training. And most importantly, if you have strong immunity, then the disease may not start. And if you are weak, then in a few days you will already be completely ill.
At the same time, you need to train on such days. Since although the body spends additional energy on training, but due to the increase in body temperature during running and the acceleration of metabolic processes, the fight against the virus is stronger.
The same thing happens if you have gastritis or an ulcer at an early stage. Every second person on the planet has gastritis. But every second person does not run. That is why few people pay attention to this disease. But if you give an additional load in the form of running, especially if you have made the wrong diet, the body will immediately remind you of the existence of gastritis. therefore pills for gastritis must be taken if you have gastritis and are running. Otherwise, many problems await you.
Somewhere I came across a study that said that beginner runners during the heat they show an average of 20 percent worse results for themselves than if they were running in ideal weather conditions. This figure is, of course, approximate. But the bottom line is that during the heat, an unprepared body really works much worse. And even if you are physically perfectly ready for the upcoming workout, then when it's +35 on the street do not expect outstanding results. At the same time, this does not mean that such a training will not go for the future, on the contrary, if you prepare the body so that it will work well in hot weather, then in good weather it will give much better results.
Psychological moments
Mental health is just as important to training as physical health. If you have a mess in your head, a lot of problems and worries, then the physical body will never work at its maximum under such conditions. Therefore, if you go to workout after some hassle, then get ready for the fact that running will clear your brains of unnecessary trash, but the physical body will not show everything it is capable of.
When you train every day for a week or two, and if you also train twice a day, sooner or later the body will get tired. You will demand from him to continue to work to the maximum, and he will resist and save strength.
Therefore, make sure that you are always in good shape. Take time to rest and don't overtrain. Moreover, depending on your physical fitness for you, overtraining can come from 3 workouts per week. You should exclusively look at your condition yourself, and not be guided blindly by some load tables and graphs. If you understand that you are starting to get tired, then take a rest.
Excessive rest
There is another side to relaxation. When you rest too much. For example, if you train regularly for a month, then do nothing for two weeks, then be prepared that the first part of the workout after rest will go very well for you, and the second part is very difficult. The body has already lost the habit of such a load and it needs time to get involved. The more break you took, the longer it takes for him to get involved. Therefore, even if you do not have the opportunity to exercise, try to always keep your body in good shape.
Here are the main reasons why training can be easy or hard. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition before, after and during running. Accordingly, if you do not have energy, then your training will go very badly. Do not forget to drink water, as dehydration even by a small percentage will give a large outflow of energy.
To improve your running results, you just need to know the basics of running first. Therefore, especially for you, I created a video tutorial course, watching which you are guaranteed to improve your running results and learn to unleash your full running potential. Especially for the readers of my blog "Running, Health, Beauty" video tutorials are free. To get them, you just need to subscribe to the newsletter by clicking on the link: Running secrets... Having mastered these lessons, my students improve their running results by 15-20 percent without training, if they did not know about these rules before.