Every jogger who wants to achieve high results comes a moment when there is an opportunity and a desire to start training twice a day.
All professionals and many high-level amateurs train twice a day. Because one workout is not enough for such results. In today's article I will tell you the features of two workouts a day for running.
When to Upgrade to Two Running Workouts a Day
The first thing you should know is that if you don't have at least a year of regular running workouts 5 times a week, then it is too early for you to do two workouts a day. It is very important that the body is ready to carry out such a load.
Otherwise, after a week, maximum two, you will begin to feel fatigue, minor injuries will appear, which will gradually begin to develop into serious ones. You will lose all desire to run and as a result, instead of 2 workouts a day, you will not do a single one.
And I am not exaggerating this. If your body is not ready for such a volume, then it will react just like that.
In addition, even with a year of training experience, you should not train twice a day all days of the week at once. It will be enough to start with two days of two workouts. After a week or two, when the body is already adapting to this load, enter 3 days with two workouts. A week later, another day. And after a month and a half, you can already train 11 full workouts per week. Why 11 and not 14 I will tell in the next paragraph.
How many workouts should there be when you train 2 times a day
The maximum number of running workouts should not exceed 11 per week.
The formula is simple. You should have rest one day a week. It doesn't have to be lying on the couch. It is best to keep your vacation active. For example, play volleyball or go to the pool, ride a bike or go hiking.
And one more day in the week, you need to do one workout per day, not two. This day will be a light work day. He will go after one of the hardest workouts so that the body recovers faster.
More articles that will be of interest to novice runners:
1. Running technique
2. How long should you run
3. When to Conduct Running Workouts
4. How to cool down after training
How to alternate loads
Alternating loads, if you train 2 times a day, should be exactly the same as when training once a day. That is, a hard workout should always be followed by an easy one.
That is, if you ran a tempo cross in the morning, then it is advisable to do a slow recovery run in the evening. There is no need to do endurance training again the next morning. And it is worth doing a workout for speed, or strength training for muscle training. That is, it should not be such that two heavy workouts of the same orientation went on for two days in a row.
If you train not 11 times a week, but for example 7, then in any case 1 day of full rest, and you will spend two workouts twice a week. At the same time, the rest of the days will still go the same as in the case of 11 workouts. It's just that the workout that could be recovery, you will not have, instead of rest.
Also, do not forget that even with two workouts a week, you cannot have two hard workouts in a row. Especially if you have not had time to recover from the previous one. That is, it is quite possible to arrange two light workouts in a day. For example, run two slow runs. There will be no mistake in this.
Who makes sense to switch to two workouts a day
If you are preparing to pass the standards for running, which are even weaker than the 3rd adult category, then there is no point in you doing 2 workouts a day. You can easily achieve the desired result by practicing once a day.
It is worth switching to two workouts only for those who are going to perform discharges, starting from 2 adults and above, regardless of the distance. Of course, if you just love to run, and want to devote even more time to it, while not claiming to be grades, then it already depends on you whether to switch to two workouts a day or not. But in any case, get at least a year of running experience for the beginning, so that the transition to two workouts goes without consequences for you.
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