Each of us is individual - this is an axiom. However, often two different people absolutely exactly coincide with each other in terms of body type and build. In such cases, one speaks of an identical self-type. In the article we will tell you what body types are, how to determine your own and how to “correct” it with the help of sports.
Classification by body type
Regardless of gender, in Russian medical school, it is customary to consider the body types described at one time by Academician Chernorutsky. In the modern sports community, the Sheldon classification is more popular. They are both shown in the table below.
Academic classification Chernorutsky | Sheldon classification |
asthenic | ectomorph |
hypersthenic | endomorph |
normosthenic | mesomorph |
In general, the only difference here lies in the name. In addition, Sheldon's classification is usually used mainly in relation to bodybuilding.
If you draw parallels, you get the following picture:
- asthenic = ectomorph;
- normostenic = mesomorph;
- hypersthenic = endomorph.
Each of the above types of body structure has its own characteristics, on which the construction of the training process depends, the length of the path to achieving the desired result, and of course, the nutrition program.
Features of an ectomorph
Ectomorphs (they are also asthenics) are characterized by a dolichomorphic physique. These people tend to:
- long limbs;
- elongated chest;
- the hypogastric angle formed by the costal arch in the solar plexus region is rather acute;
- due to the elongated shape of the limbs, the length of the muscular abdomens is very large, due to which the increase in the latter in volume is more difficult compared to other types;
- adipose tissue is also distributed very uniformly and is present in the body, but in small quantities;
- the bone structure is fragile, the bones are thin;
- the hormonal profile is designed in such a way that the activity of the sympathetic nervous system predominates. Due to this, the level of blood pressure can be increased.
Specificity of the central nervous system
The main sympathetic hormone - adrenaline - has a pronounced catabolic orientation. Another feature of the constant activity of sympathizers is a suppressed state of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation, digestion, and sleep.
The level of uric acid in the blood, as a rule, is increased, which also has a stimulating effect, but already on the central nervous system. Due to the combination of such qualities, asthenics have the ability to sleep little and work a lot, primarily intellectually. With sufficient motivation, while performing a complex task, they can practically eat nothing and not experience any particular inconvenience from this. Moreover, it is much more difficult for asthenics to achieve a level of depletion of the nervous system. So it is no coincidence that when describing a typical asthenic-ectomorph, we imagine a classic school nerd from films.
Spheres of sports implementation of asthenics
With regard to sports activities, you can say as much as you like that by persistence and training you will achieve any results and overcome the disadvantages of any type of physique. But why overcome disadvantages when you can make the most of your strengths?
The most logical sports for asthenics will be those where quick reaction and limb length can give the asthenic significant benefits, namely:
- long distance running;
- game sports such as basketball;
- shock types of single combats.
With regard to strength sports, asthenics can prove themselves in speed-strength disciplines, such as weightlifting. Their nervous system is capable of generating the powerful impulses necessary to activate the high-threshold motor fibers, which are precisely responsible for the rapid, super-powerful effort.
Of course, at this point there is a significant caveat regarding the ratio of the lengths of the arms and legs of a particular athlete - “long levers” with a relatively short body will be of significant help in passing blind spots. At the same time, the success of an asthenic in powerlifting is very doubtful, since it is precisely due to the long arms that the path for the weight to pass between the dead spots will be much greater compared to athletes with shorter limbs.
Body and muscle structure
Regarding the process of gaining muscle mass and success in bodybuilding, the asthenic body type does not predispose to them for the following reasons:
- The proportions of pure asthenics are very specific, the width of the pelvis is practically equal to the width of the shoulders, which is why they seem even narrower than they are.
- The shape of the muscles is elongated, due to which it is much more difficult to give them fullness. And in general, the long muscular abdomen is hardly gaining volume. Even if we assume that the athlete has a relatively aesthetic form of muscles, it will be difficult to gain their volume due to the predominance of catabolics in the hormonal background and the imperfect work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Another interesting point concerns the muscle composition of asthenics - oxidative muscle fibers predominate in their muscles, which do not lend themselves well to hypertrophy, but are capable of performing dynamic work for a long time. endurance, asthenics-ectomorphs will be at their best.
Summing up the story about ectomorphs, it should be said that in terms of bodybuilding they still have one plus. It is expressed in the fact that asthenics are not prone to gaining excess fat mass, their bones are thin, the joints are not large, so that the muscle mass that is still formed on the body of the ectomorph will be immediately noticeable to others.
If your body type is ectomorphic, and you set out to turn your body into a beautiful pile of muscles, you should pay attention to a special ectomorph training program designed just for people with a problem of too thin physique. Please note that the nutrition for the ectomorph should also be special - namely, enhanced.
Features of endomorph
In people belonging to endomorphs, or hypersthenics, the transverse dimensions of the body prevail over the longitudinal ones. Their characteristic features:
- broad shoulders;
- wide barrel chest;
- relatively short limbs;
- wide pelvis;
- bones and joints are thick, massive.
The muscles are sufficiently developed, as well as the subcutaneous fat layer. That is why hypersthenics do not look athletic - they look massive. In general, endomorphs are genetically adapted to perform rough strength work, their musculoskeletal and endocrine systems are sharpened for this.
Tendency to accumulate fat mass
Endomorphs have high levels of testosterone and insulin. It is this combination that allows representatives of the described type to gain weight. At the same time, in hypersthenics, a relative prevalence of the parasympathetic nervous system is observed, so they like to eat, have sufficient or increased appetite.
People with the same body type are more likely to suffer from obesity and related problems - diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
This feature imposes on endomorphs the obligation to be very strict about their diet - food for the endomorph must be carefully selected and balanced so as not to once again cause excess fat on the body.
For people with this somatotype, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of typical strength sports - bodybuilding, strongman, crossfit, rugby. Anything that gives a typical hypersthenic work is suitable - strength and preferably for a certain period of time, sufficient for the increased concentration of cholesterol and blood glucose to be realized for energy needs.
Abundant meals are undesirable for endomorphs: the more the intestinal walls stretch and the more toned the parasympathetic, the more significant the response of the release of enkephalins and insulin. Therefore, the classic dietary scheme for bodybuilders, consisting of 6-8 meals in small portions with a minimum sufficient amount of carbohydrates, is well suited for hypersthenics - both in order to look better, and in order to feel better and avoid a number of the above diseases.
Specificity of the central nervous system
Due to the low level of hormones of the sympathetic system, as well as due to the low manifestation of androgenic activity of testosterone, hypersthenics are not aggressive and relatively slow. The muscle composition is dominated by glycolytic muscle fibers. Due to this, hypersthenics are capable of performing powerful force movements, but in a limited time interval. Simply put, by nature, hypersthenics are not very strong with endurance.
However, with appropriate training in glycolytic muscle fibers, it is possible to develop the mitochondrial apparatus, which will help to correct this deficiency. Shock martial arts are not for them. Endomorphs will feel more comfortable in various types of wrestling, especially where there is a viscous parterre - jiu-jitsu, judo, classical wrestling. The limbs of the hypersthenics are short, the muscular abdomen are thick, the levers are not long - it is easier for hypersthenics to show maximum strength due to the reduced amplitude. For the same reasons, endomorphs will feel comfortable in armwrestling and powerlifting.
Spheres of sports implementation of endomorph
A large amount of adipose tissue can lead to the idea that hypersthenics need more cardio loads. This is by no means the case. The joints of endomorphs are large, formed by the joints of fairly thick bones. Such structures, even at rest, need a significant blood supply, which they receive from the surrounding muscles. Cardio loads the joints, while not only not increasing, but even minimizing the amount of muscle tissue.
So the most optimal will be a special training program for endomorphs, which combines heavy strength training and voluminous bodybuilding training. In this case, the diet should be complete, providing the growing muscles with a sufficient amount of energy. But lowering the amount of carbohydrates is better - this way we reduce the release of insulin, reduce the amount of adipose tissue and allow testosterone to more effectively perform its task in building muscle and reducing the percentage of subcutaneous fat.
Do not forget that "drying" psychologically and physically will be much harder for the hypersthenic, which will have a very negative effect on the health of the latter.
Features of the mesomorph
Mesomorphs are people who initially have a "dream figure". In medicine, they are called normostenics precisely because their physique is an indicator of the norm accepted in modern society. We can say that these are happy people, since the nutrition of the mesomorph involved in sports is not as strictly limited as that of athletes with other, more "problem" types of physique. These lucky ones may even allow themselves to be pampered from time to time with some junk food or junk food.
Body and muscle structure
Mesomorphs, or normostenics, have the following characteristics by nature:
- developed muscles;
- a fairly low percentage of body fat;
- the muscle composition contains approximately equal parts of glycolytic and oxidative muscle fibers;
- the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work in a balanced manner;
- the pelvis is relatively narrow and the shoulders are relatively wide;
- the length of the limbs and torso is balanced.
Simply put, a feature of this type of physique is in the absence of pronounced features, no matter how strange it may sound. The work of the mesomorph's body is closest to that of the "average person" described in textbooks on medicine. The substernal angle in normostenics is 90 degrees. The training program for the mesomorph will for the most part be focused on the average healthy person.
Sports implementation
In general, it is this type of physique that is closest to the one who is usually called a "healthy person" and therefore, with the greatest degree of probability, he will achieve success in almost any sport. Due to the initially developed muscles and a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, mesomorphs can achieve the greatest success in sports such as fitness, men physicist, bodybuilding, and bikini. Simply put, wherever it is enough to demonstrate a beautiful aesthetic physique for maximum results.
It would seem that the owner of a normosthenic body type can consider himself a happy person - he looks good, all systems work in a balanced way, any sport is suitable - isn't it a dream? But it's not that simple. Look again at the pros of ectomorphs and endomorphs. So, thanks to their advantages, representatives of these body types will have advantages over normosthenics. And this applies not only and not so much to sports - it concerns the survival factor.
Mixed type traits
Everything described above refers to the manifestations of "clean" body types. In life, it is extremely rare to find people belonging to any one type of figure. Mixed, intermediate options are more common. Within the framework of one individual, at least all three body types can be combined: the bone structure of the asthenic, the muscle mass of the normosthenic and the tendency to fat deposition from the hypersthenic.
Do not forget that body type is a genetically determined feature, that is, what is given by nature.
But a lot is in your hands. For example, you can improve your shape by eating the right food and exercising and exercising. Or you can worsen it by eating fast food, drinking cola under TV shows and soap operas.
If you are naturally not prone to gaining fat and have good muscle mass, do not assume that a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet will not lead you to excess body fat or diabetes. With you it will just happen 10-15 years later than with endomorph, all other things being equal.
How to determine your body type?
Based on the above, you can use nomograms from the Internet - they take into account the thickness of the bones of the hand, elbow, the ratio of body length to limbs, some even advise to pay attention to the hypogastric angle. One of such tables with the so-called “Soloviev index” is given below.
When determining your body type, remember two things:
- you can combine the original features of several body types;
- if you look bad, remember - 80% of your appearance depends on lifestyle and nutrition, and not on somatotype.
Be healthy!