When running, some criteria are very important. These are: respiratory reserve; pulse; the level of maximum load and performance of the heart. Novice athletes have no idea what exactly is meant by cardio-respiratory endurance.
For athletes wishing to continue running training, it is recommended that this is an important criterion. It will help you find out the individual capabilities of the body, identify the optimal level of stress, calculate classes in order to improve physical fitness.
Cardio-respiratory endurance - what is it?
Endurance refers to the body's aerobic performance without compromising performance. This function of the body helps to cope with fatigue.
Scientists distinguish 2 types:
- General - expressed in the ability of the human body to endure a moderate load with the participation of most of the muscles.
- Special - manifests itself in a specific activity. aerobic capacity and aerobic power (sprint, aerobic running, cross-country skiing) are of particular importance. And these values affect the level of BMD.
It has been proven by tests that cardiopulmonary endurance is achieved by:
- an increase in lung volume by a certain percentage (usually 10-20);
- an increase in the depth of breathing;
- special features of the lungs (diffusion function);
- increasing the resistance of the heart and respiratory muscles.
Responsible for the general development of endurance of the heart and respiratory system:
- blood circulation;
- blood pressure;
- heart rate;
- the level of cardiac emissions;
- clinical composition of blood.
When developing such endurance, all the muscles of a person, as well as the brain, are involved. Indeed, lack of oxygen and depletion of the respiratory reserve can lead to starvation. The content of glycogen and hemoglobin is also involved in the process.
Why is there shortness of breath when running?
Shortness of breath is respiratory exhaustion, consumption of the respiratory reserve. This phenomenon happens in many cases. This is often due to a low level of physical fitness.
As well as:
- if you are overweight;
- in the presence of heart diseases, vascular and lung diseases;
- due to the use of narcotic or intoxicating drugs, smoking;
- age restrictions.
A decrease in cadence may occur while running. At this time, the person begins to choke due to changes in heart rate and breathing rate. In such cases, severe shortness of breath will not appear if you perform techniques (do periodic sighs and exhalations).
In such cases, athletes are not allowed to drink water while running and not talk to their teammates. When the body is overloaded, tinnitus and a feeling of suffocation appear. Here you need to slow down and restore your heart rate. After that, the reserve will be replenished.
How to Increase Heart Respiratory Endurance While Running?
Trainers advise using special techniques and helpful tips. It is with their help that it is possible to increase the level of physical fitness and the level of general endurance.
These include:
- perform simple exercises with sighs and exhalations every minute (gradually workouts need to be increased in time);
- you should also breathe in air through the nose and exhale smoothly through the mouth (all exercises can be alternated one after another or performed every day for 1);
- breathe in air very slowly, feeling the process light;
- take deep breaths while holding your breath for a few minutes.
For beginners, it's best to start with 15 minutes a day. Professionals should devote more time to breathing training (in consultation with the doctor and trainer).
Exercise should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. In the future, they can be increased up to 5-6 times. It is recommended to stop classes in case of tingling in the heart or side, the appearance of a dark veil in the eyes, noise in the ears.
Interval running
Interval running is very often recommended by top athlete coaches.
Its main advantages are:
- increasing the duration and intensity of loads increases the efficiency of the heart and lungs, strengthens the cardiovascular system;
- during exercise, the accumulated fat is quickly burned (a person who regularly jogs does not have excess weight);
- interval jogging can diversify general exercises and adapt the body to long-term loads (the level of endurance increases here).
Experts advise using the following program:
- warm-up for 10-15 minutes;
- accelerated movements - half a minute, jogging - a minute;
- increase by 15 seconds (both types);
- increase by 20 seconds (both types);
- decrease by 15 seconds (both types);
- decrease by 15 seconds (both types);
- weak running for 30 minutes (5-7 minutes before the end - transition to a step).
Related workouts
Weights can be used as related activities. This will help strengthen the respiratory system and achieve increased levels of running stamina. It is also possible to apply other training: swimming; Cycling tracks (cycling helps to develop leg muscles).
Other methods to increase stamina
It is possible to apply these actions (help to increase overall endurance):
- It is recommended to divide the selected distance into temporary sections, gradually increasing the load.
- It is necessary to add to the program the so-called jerky run, in which it will be possible to perform movements with acceleration for 30 seconds, 10 seconds of a slow step (3 times in 2 minutes).
- It is not recommended to make breaks in classes or to stop them for a long time (the reasons for missing should be valid - a fracture, sprain or dislocation of the leg).
- You should choose only effective loads calculated on the basis of the individual characteristics of the organism.
- It is recommended to mentally tune the body for running and further stress, so the heart and breathing can be powered by the brain and increase the level of endurance.
Experts advise to observe the following rules:
- daily healthy sleep;
- eating pure or mineral water;
- observance of mental and moral stability;
- refusal to use alcohol and cigarettes.
There are also techniques developed by famous personalities:
- Noble technique. Tempo running for short distances no more than 20 minutes 2 times a week.
- Plyometrics. It is recommended to make periodic jumps during the entire jogging session.
- Pierce's method. Alternating light and heavy loads. This rule can be applied for morning and evening runs.
- Bart Yasso's method. The selected distance should be divided into several speed intervals. It is recommended to renew them each time.
Many famous runners consider cardio-respiratory endurance to be very important in a person's sports life. Correct distribution of air in the lungs allows the heart to function normally at any distance. All coaches in the world take this criterion into account when planning training.