Cortisol is a hormone released in response to high levels of oxidative stress in the body. For people who play sports and lead an active lifestyle, cortisol levels are of fundamental importance. Its mechanism of action is such that with an increased level of cortisol in the body, catabolic processes begin to prevail, making it difficult to achieve any sports goals. In this article we will figure out how dangerous a high level of cortisol is, how it can harm your health and how to normalize its levels.
Significance of the hormone cortisol
All metabolic processes in our metabolism are conventionally divided into anabolic (growth processes) and catabolic (decay processes).
When your body is under stress, cortisol production is activated, and catabolic processes begin to prevail over anabolic ones.
Under these conditions, the body begins to consume the substances it needs from your tissues, which in the long term leads to a decrease in muscle tone and volume. That is why cortisol is called the worst enemy of all athletes, because in the first place the specified hormone breaks down proteins, causes the accumulation of fat (source - Wikipedia).
The adrenal glands are responsible for the production of this hormone in the body. The mechanism of cortisol secretion is simple: in response to stress, the pituitary gland begins to produce adrenocorticotropic hormone. Once in the adrenal glands, it is transformed into cortisol. The main "fuel" for its production is cholesterol.
Cortisol acts in such a way that all biologically available materials begin to be processed into glucose, from subcutaneous fat to muscle tissue and tissues of internal organs, which consist of protein structures.
The amino acids obtained from them are processed in the liver into energy - glucose. As a result, glycemia in the blood increases sharply, which leads to the formation of excess fat.
These symptoms are especially acute with a consistently high level of stress as a result of:
- Chronic lack of sleep (or insomnia).
- Lack of resources for recovery.
- Increased physical exertion.
- Lack of nutrients.
- Nervous strain.
The stress hormone cortisol has also been shown to negatively affect the immune system. With an increased level of cortisol in the blood, the level of lymphocytes decreases, which reduces the body's tolerance to viral infections. In addition, high cortisol levels lead to mineral imbalance.
However, not all functions of this hormone are reduced to the destruction of amino acids in the body. If your cortisol levels are normal, you shouldn't be afraid of muscle tissue health and athletic performance.
We've found that cortisol increases blood glucose levels, making it easier for you to perform prolonged and monotonous aerobic physical activity (for example, when running long distances) when there is a lack of glycogen in the muscles.
It also normalizes sodium and potassium levels in the body, is responsible for anti-inflammatory reactions and supports cardiovascular health by narrowing and dilating the walls of blood vessels (source - book “Endocrine system, sports and physical activity ”, WJ Kremer).
Indicators of cortisol
A person at rest during the day produces from 15 to 30 mg of the hormone. The maximum activity of the adrenal glands occurs at 6-8 am, and the decrease is at 20-21 hours. Therefore, in the morning, cortisol levels will be higher than in the evening.
You can find out the exact level of stress hormone only by passing tests: the procedure is carried out in any medical center. Depending on the time of day in which you took the test, the indicators may differ.
For men, the following are considered normal indicators:
- In the morning hours: 138-635 nmol / l;
- Afternoon and during the day 83-441 nmol / l.
In women, these indicators may be slightly different:
- In the morning: 140-650 nmol / l;
- Afternoon and throughout the day: 75-330 nmol / l.
This difference is explained by the fact that by noon the body's internal clock works differently: metabolic processes are accelerated, muscles are full of energy, and the body does not need to “suck” amino acids from muscle fibers for normal functioning (source in English - NCBI).
If the analysis shows that your cortisol level is within the normal range, then the endocrine system is working properly and the body can easily cope with everyday stress.
If the indicators are close to the upper mark or exceed it, you should understand the reasons for such an increase.
Causes and symptoms of increased cortisol levels
For athletes, the main prerequisite for an increase in stress hormone levels is a lack of resources for recovery. You train too often and intensely, not giving your muscles time to rest and heal microtraumas. Yes, at certain stages of training, for example, when preparing for a CrossFit competition, training should be literally ruthless. But training in this mode 365 days a year is a sure way to increase cortisol, constant catabolism and overtraining.
Also, the intake of antiviral medicines and hormonal drugs leads to high cortisol.
Add to this the daily stress, problems at work, lack of sleep, and other factors that affect the central nervous system. This is guaranteed to lead to an increase in cortisol levels above the reference values.
Other causes of high cortisol: depressive disorders, liver and kidney disease, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, viral diseases or recent surgery using anesthesia, pituitary adenoma, hyperplasia, and malignant neoplasms of the adrenal glands.
In response to an increase in the amount of cortisol, the following reactions are possible:
- decrease in muscle mass and strength indicators;
- the growth of adipose tissue due to a slowdown in metabolism;
- the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus increases;
- decreased sexual activity;
- decreased testosterone levels and increased estrogen levels;
- increased risk of heart attack due to increased heart rate;
- apathy, irritability and insomnia;
- deterioration of the skin;
- disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
Women are more likely to have high cortisol levels. This usually occurs during those periods when the endocrine system is most active: during pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle. This is normal, but if the increase in cortisol is regular and long-term, then you need to make adjustments to your lifestyle and diet.
Causes and signs of low cortisol levels
If the tests show a minimum cortisol threshold or even lower values, the reasons are as follows:
- recent adrenal diseases;
- diseases of the pituitary gland, developing as a result of brain injury;
- infectious diseases of the digestive system;
- insufficiency of pituitary hormones;
- hypofunction of the adrenal glands;
- cirrhosis, hepatitis;
- adrenogenital syndrome.
Low cortisol levels are just as dangerous as high cortisol levels. It can cause severe weight loss, lack of appetite, hypotension, and increase the risk of tuberculosis infections.
Ways to normalize cortisol levels
To make an accurate conclusion about whether the level of cortisol in your body is within the normal range, you need professional monitoring of tests. To get a more or less clear picture, research is carried out several times at different times of the day.
If repeated tests show cortisol levels are above or below normal, pay attention to aspects of your life such as:
- Food. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Most nutritionists recommend having at least six meals a day. Feeling hungry is a sure sign of high cortisol levels. To prevent this, always have a light snack on hand. This is a critical moment for the muscle building period. It is also recommended to minimize your intake of simple carbohydrates, caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Be sure to take vitamin and mineral supplements on an ongoing basis to make it easier for your body to deal with the stress that you put on it with training.
- Sleep. This is a key factor for the restoration of all body systems, including the hormonal one. The night's sleep should be at least seven hours. The body's daily biorhythms are designed so that during sleep the level of cortisol will rise - this is absolutely normal. Also, during sleep, growth hormone is actively released, which helps your muscles recover and grow faster, and fatty tissues oxidize faster. But if you don't get enough sleep at night, you rob yourself of that advantage.
- The training process. Soberly assess your capabilities and build a training program that will allow you to consistently progress and at the same time fully recover. For most amateurs, it will be optimal to train 3-4 times a week. Remember that your muscles do not grow during exercise, but during recovery.
- Sports nutrition. The intake of BCAA and amino acids can quickly suppress catabolic processes in the body and increase protein synthesis. Taking them immediately after waking up, during and after training is especially relevant - this way you will recover faster and train more productively.
- Protect yourself from stress. Any stress on your central nervous system will have a positive effect on the production of cortisol. Try to protect yourself as much as possible from problems and worries in everyday life. Take natural anxiolytic medications that are rich in antioxidants as needed.
Together, these methods should gradually normalize cortisol levels. Remember that hormones are the building blocks of your well-being and performance. Therefore, if you notice certain symptoms of increased or decreased cortisol in yourself, do not be too lazy to take an analysis and, on its basis, choose the therapy that is suitable for you.
Use the Ornament app to keep your medical records at your fingertips. With Ornament, you can store and organize the results of any medical analysis - right in your smartphone.
To load data into the Ornament application, you just need to choose the method that is most convenient for you:
- take a photograph of the form with the test results (Ornament recognizes the markers in the photograph and converts their values into digital form);
- download from the smartphone's memory a pdf form with the analysis results received from the laboratory by email;
- send from email a pdf form with the test results;
- enter data manually.
Ornament will present the loaded indicators in visual dynamics - on the graphs. At the same time, any deviations from the reference values are clearly marked in yellow - it is immediately clear when a doctor's visit is required.
Ornament evaluates health status on a 5-point scale. The organs and systems of the body that “received” less than 4 points in Ornament may require increased attention. In this case, it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor.
Directly in the Ornament app, you can get advice from a medical professional, discuss your health and test results with other users and in some cases with medical consultants. For this, the application has a special section - "Community".
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