The leg muscles are the largest in the human body. Quadriceps exercises are performed by representatives of almost all sports disciplines. Without these exercises, you cannot achieve neither strength, nor mass, nor endurance of the legs and body as a whole. The article discusses the best basic and isolated quadriceps movements for men and women, and provides training programs for guys and girls.
Quadriceps Anatomy
The quadriceps (quadriceps muscle of the thigh) includes four muscle bundles:
- broad lateral muscle - the largest bundle involved in all movements associated with extension in the knee, and forming the lateral region of the thigh;
- broad medial muscle ("droplet") - is also involved in movements associated with extension in the knee joint, is responsible for the formation of a rounded, filled frontal surface of the knee;
- broad intermediate muscle - located between the two previous beams, is actively involved in the work when extending, squatting, jumping, running;
- the rectus muscle - the longest bundle that gives the thigh a rounded shape, is involved not only in extensions, but also in flexions, the only area of the quadriceps that is not attached directly to the thigh bone.
To one degree or another, all areas of the muscle group under consideration are involved in the exercises described below. The quadriceps is responsible for the stability of the body in an upright position, provides movement of the lower leg in the knee joint, promotes tilting of the pelvis and pulling the legs towards the stomach.
Features of working with quadriceps
Correct technique plays a huge role in the work of the quadriceps. The health and condition of the knees and lower back depends on it. By sinning with the technique of performing exercises, the athlete transfers the main load to other muscle groups.
Like all large muscles, the quadriceps takes a long time to recover. In most cases, it makes no sense to train her more than once a week.... The option with two leg workouts is allowed, but then they are separated: in the first, they work out the quadriceps, in the second, the back of the thigh.
The basis of the training program should be basic (multi-joint) exercises. They are designed for mass and strength, since they load the legs and body in a complex manner. Isolated movements help to detail the muscles, give them a "cut", they can also be used to warm up before heavy basic exercises.
For this reason, in the first few years of systematic training, you need to focus on the "base". And only then, having gained mass and strength, you can start grinding your legs. This does not mean that beginners should ignore single-joint movements. They are also needed, but priority is given to the basic ones. This also applies to women striving for weight loss and a spectacular silhouette. Basic movements performed in a multi-rep style are the main secret of success.
Exercises for the quadriceps
Hundreds of leg exercises. It makes no sense to list everything: the ones described in the article are enough in abundance. Moreover, most of the movements are variations of the basic ones.
This section describes the main exercises for the quadriceps. Beginners often try to stay away from them, but without a "base" nowhere.
The main and most "terrible" exercise for beginners. Barbell squats use most of the muscles in the body — legs, glutes, back, and abs. Even arms and shoulders can be connected - without strong ligaments of arms, it is difficult to hold a heavy barbell.
At the very beginning, focus on the execution technique. Squatting incorrectly can cause problems with knees, lower back and neck. To put more stress on the four-headed, train with relatively light weights. By bending the stick with pancakes, the athlete cannot avoid the powerful engagement of the buttocks and back.
Squat pattern:
- Starting position (IP) - the bar lies on the trapezium (in no case on the neck), the hands hold the bar with a narrow grip (as far as flexibility allows), the chest is forward, the back is straight. It is strictly forbidden to hunch over throughout the entire movement. Feet are shoulder-width apart, toes are slightly apart. To get into the IP, you need to sit down under the bar lying on the racks, remove it and take a step back.
- You need to start the squat by pulling the pelvis back. The knees are in line with the feet - you cannot wrap your knees inward. Also try not to bring them forward with your feet.
- Lower yourself to a position where your thighs are parallel to the floor. Being underweight, you underperform, squatting deeper, you take the load off the quadriceps and load the gluteus muscles more.
- Smoothly, but powerfully, as you exhale, return to the PI. At the top, the knees should remain slightly bent - this is a prerequisite for reducing the risk of injury of the exercise.
The position of the legs can and should be varied - from narrow to a position slightly wider than the shoulders. If the stance is too wide, the hamstrings are loaded more. When squatting, the feet do not come off the floor. When performing the movement, look in front of you or slightly up. This helps to keep your back straight and focus on the exercise.
At home, the barbell can be replaced with dumbbells. In this case, the arms with the shells are lowered down.
Barbell Front Squat
Front squats are a similar exercise in which the bar is placed not in the back, but in the front. Thanks to this, the load on the four-headed is more targeted - the buttocks are involved much less.
- Walk up to the bar on the racks and lock it onto the front delts. Hands are placed crosswise, helping to hold the barbell - this is the PI.
- Keeping your back completely straight, squat down to parallel.
- Return to PI.
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In this exercise, keeping your back straight is more difficult, so you must not overdo it with the weight of the projectile.
The position of the hands can be different. Trained lifters often hold the bar with their hands positioned in the style of a weightlifter pushing. To do this, you need to have a certain amount of flexibility, strong ligaments and a powerful grip.
Leg press
The leg press eliminates the work of the back and buttocks as much as possible. At the same time, the simulator makes it possible to work with a much greater weight than in squats. In order for the load to fall on the quadriceps, you need to press when setting your legs shoulder-width apart.
Execution technique:
- IP - the back and head are tightly pressed against the back of the simulator, the legs are almost completely straightened and rest against the frame, the hands firmly hold the handles.
- Bend your knees to form a right angle between your thighs and lower legs.
- Return the legs to the PI.
At the top, the knees must be slightly bent. This is especially important in leg presses, as full extension can be fraught with very serious injury.
A variation of this exercise is the one-leg press. In this case, the weight is taken significantly less.
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Hack squats
Since the back in this exercise is also tightly pressed against the back of the simulator, the quadriceps muscles of the legs receive the main load. The exercise is an inverted press - not the feet go up, but the body.
Execution scheme:
- IP - standing on the platform, setting the legs - shoulder-width apart, straight body, shoulders rest against pillows, hands hold handles.
- Go down to parallel, feeling the load on your quads.
- Return to PI.
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Do not round your back, tear off your socks or heels from the platform, and fully straighten your knees at the top.
Barbell and dumbbell lunges
Lunges can be done in different ways - with a barbell, in a Smith machine, with dumbbells, walking around the hall and standing still. Consider options in which the athlete stands in one place, using either a barbell or dumbbells.
Neck Technique:
- PI is similar to the position when squatting with a barbell on the back.
- Step forward with your right foot. The lunge should be such that the thigh of the working leg at the lowest point is parallel to the floor. The knee of the left leg almost touches the floor and also forms a right angle ..
- Return to PI.
- Change legs - lunge with your left foot.
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Do the same dumbbell exercise. Hands with shells in this case are lowered along the body:
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The disadvantage of this option is that it does not always allow you to work with a suitable weight. The grip is weaker than the legs, so barbell training is preferable. But for women with low working weights, dumbbells are a good option. Men who use wrist straps or have a strong grip will also appreciate this option.
Squats on one leg
Can't go to the gym? Squat on one leg. This is a great exercise for the quadriceps, with which you can load your legs without even using additional weights. True, one should not expect a significant increase in mass or strength from him.
- IP - standing, "non-working" leg slightly extended forward.
- Squat down to parallel with the other leg extended to form a "pistol" (another name for this exercise).
- Return to PI.
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Unlike regular squats, this option does not require you to keep your back straight. Slight rounding is the norm. It is important to stand up with the effort of the four-headed, minimizing the inclusion of the buttocks.
Isolated exercises
These movements will not make your legs more massive, but will bring to mind what has been gained by the "base".
Leg extension in the simulator
This exercise draws the front of the thigh. Suitable for both warm-up before a heavy squat (in the format of 15-20 repetitions with light weight without refusal), and for "finishing" at the end of leg workout.
- IP - sitting in the simulator, the lower back is pressed against the back, the legs are bent at the knees, the feet are fixed with rollers, the hands hold the handles firmly.
- Straighten your legs at the knee joints.
- Hold for a moment at the top point, tensing the quadriceps as much as possible, then return your legs to the PI.
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Exercise until your muscles burn. Movements are smooth and slow, in case of negative you should not "throw" your legs down, lower them in a controlled manner.
Training programs
You can train quadriceps both on the same day with the biceps of the hips, and separately. There are many complexes on the legs. Here are the following examples (they are all suitable for both men and women):
- program for weight and relief, designed to work in the hall;
- home program;
- weight loss program.
Complex for the hall - on the ground:
Exercise | Approaches | Repetitions |
Squats | 4 | 15,12,10,8 |
Leg press | 4 | 10-12 |
Leg extension | 4 | 12-15 |
Complex for the gym - for weight loss:
Exercise | Approaches | Repetitions |
Smith Squats | 4 | 12 |
Barbell lunges | 4 | 10-12 |
Leg extension | 4 | 15 |
Home workout complex:
Exercise | Approaches | Repetitions |
Dumbbell Squats | 4 | 12 |
Dumbbell lunges | 4 | 10-12 |
Squats on one leg | 4 | maximum |
The number of approaches can vary depending on the degree of preparation.