Beetroot is a product that, in addition to its excellent taste, has a lot of useful properties that extend both to individual systems and organs, and to the entire body as a whole. Few people know, but beets are ideal for sports nutrition - they have a beneficial effect on the development of muscle mass, increase vitality and endurance.
In the article you will learn about the benefits of beets, their composition and content of BJU, medicinal properties and use in dietary and sports nutrition.
Nutritional value, composition and calorie content
The nutritional value of red beets is very high - the chemical composition of the root crop is rich in various vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. As for the calorie content, this vegetable is not high, it is only 41 kcal per 100 g of raw product.
So, the nutritional value of beets is as follows:
- the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU): 2.1 / 0.2 / 3.1, respectively;
- 2.4 g dietary fiber;
- 0.2 g organic fiber;
- 85 g liquid;
- 8.6 g disaccharides;
- 0.1 g starch;
- 1.1 g of ash.
The calorie content of beets is relatively low, so the vegetable can and should be included in the diet for those who are on a diet or play sports. Consumption of 100 to 200 g of beets per day provides the body with vitamins of group A in the amount of 1% of the daily value, 2% of calcium, 12% of vitamin C and as much as 7% of iron.
The number of calories in boiled beets is almost slightly different from raw root vegetables and is 48 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of a baked vegetable is 45 kcal. It follows from this that the calorie content of beets can vary depending not only on the cooking process, but also on the variety the vegetable belongs to, as well as on which part of it is used:
- in sugar beets, or, as it is also called, beets-carrots, the calorie content is 46 kcal per 100 g of product;
- beet tops contains 22 kcal;
- beet juice - 41 kcal.
Keep in mind that the figures are based on the assumption that the vegetable was prepared without adding any spices or auxiliary ingredients.
The root vegetable contains many vitamins necessary for the body, which subsequently have a good effect on the general and muscular condition, which is especially valuable for people involved in any kind of sport, be it light women's fitness or a heavy male load in the gym.
Beetroot (table) - a vegetable with a high content of vitamins C and B, as well as carotene (which is necessary for strong and healthy hair) and niacin. In addition, the raw product contains minerals such as:
- manganese;
- magnesium;
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- copper;
- iron;
- sodium;
- calcium;
- sulfur.
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In addition to all of the above, beets are among the leaders in the content of acids necessary for the body, in particular, gamma-aminobutyric acids, which have a positive effect on the metabolism and performance of the brain.
Note: the nutritional value of boiled beets does not differ significantly from the nutritional value of fresh vegetables, if you adhere to the correct preparation technology. In the process of cooking, the carbohydrate index only slightly increases, from this the calorie content is slightly higher.
Useful properties of beets for sports and fitness
Scientists have conducted research on the beneficial properties of beets and have scientifically proven that beet juice has a positive effect on the state of the muscular system. If you drink a glass of beet juice before playing sports or going to fitness, your endurance will increase and the lesson will be more productive. Moreover, muscle pain will decrease, and you will feel tired much later.
Beet juice makes the muscles work harder with less oxygen absorbed, and this is the reason why muscles tire at times slower. If you are building muscle, this juice can become a natural dope.
Only juice from a raw product has the described properties; boiled beets have no such feature. However, the decoction in which the root vegetable was cooked has a similar effect.
In addition, beets in any form have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, the work of the digestive tract, and also helps the body to cleanse itself of toxins. It has medicinal properties and helps with:
- dementia (deterioration of cognitive functions in the elderly), since beet juice has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain by improving blood flow;
- malfunctions of the digestive system, due to the high content of fiber;
- inflammation, due to the content of choline - a universal compound that not only strengthens muscles, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Hence, we can conclude that beets are good for men - they help to endure heavy physical activity and increase muscle productivity.
Women should pay attention to the following beneficial properties: red beets have a positive effect on the condition and appearance of the skin. In addition, the use of vegetables contributes to weight loss due to the low calorie content of the root crop.
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Beet tops is an equally useful product with a high content of vitamins, minerals and low calorie content. The foliage helps to reduce hunger and cleanse the intestines. Also, beet leaves reduce blood sugar and stimulate metabolism. But it must be used correctly: in order to preserve the beneficial properties, beet tops must be stewed or boiled.
Weight Loss Benefits
The introduction of beets into the diet promotes weight loss. But it is important to remember that a good result cannot be achieved by diet alone. To get the figure of your dreams, or at least get closer to it, you need to properly combine a balanced diet and exercise, observe a sleep and rest regimen, and drink enough water per day.
Helpful information! On average, a person should drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day, depending on their physique and weight. Drinks such as tea, coffee and juices do not count as pure water.
The beneficial properties of beets are determined by one important feature - the ability of the body to assimilate one or another component. Some tropical fruits, such as pineapple or mango, which should be beneficial, are simply not absorbed in the body of a resident of Russia. But in this regard, beets are a win-win vegetable, useful in any form: raw, boiled, stewed, baked.
Regarding the beneficial properties of beets for the body during weight loss, we can say the following. If you introduce a red root vegetable into your daily diet, after a couple of weeks of consumption, you will notice an improvement in well-being, which will be accompanied by the full work of all internal organs. And the most obvious change will be the state of the nervous system - excessive nervousness and irritability will disappear.
Taste properties
The vegetable itself is loaded with sweet glucose, which acts as a mood-boosting catalyst (especially when it comes to sugar beets), but remains dietary. Glucose stimulates the brain, increases activity and supplies energy to the body.
But betaine is considered to be the most valuable element in the root vegetable for starting the process of losing weight. It is a biological substance that is often used in dietary supplements for weight loss. The invigorating properties of natural fresh beetroot juice have already been mentioned in the previous section.
In addition, betaine normalizes liver function, which is directly related to a full-fledged metabolism. In simple terms, if you want to speed up your metabolism, in addition to observing the norms of water you drink per day and playing sports, eat beets. It will serve as a natural metabolic catalyst. While dieting or drying the body, which is closely related to the intake of large amounts of protein in food, betaine will promote more active protein absorption in the intestines. Betaine accelerates the activity of oxidative processes of fats - that is, fat deposits are burned many times faster.
Note: Regular consumption of dietary beet foods will not only help you lose weight, but also prevent the accumulation of fat in the female and male body thanks to the element curcumin polyphenol. This happens due to the properties of the component to suppress the growth of blood vessels in adipose tissues.
In addition, it is worth remembering the properties of fiber, which creates additional volume in the intestines without unnecessary calories and suppresses hunger. Another important point is lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Beets can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, drinks, cocktails, smoothies, and are great for soups and salads. You can eat the root vegetable grated raw or after heat treatment, without worrying that the beets have lost their beneficial properties. The main thing is to prepare the product correctly.
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How to cook beets for weight loss?
You can cook beets for weight loss in a variety of ways, but the product will have the best effect raw and in the form of juice. In cases where it is contraindicated to eat raw foods, or if you want to diversify the daily diet, the root vegetable can be boiled or baked. Let's take a look at the basics of cooking beets in the form of a table:
Cooking type | Cooking time | Notes |
Boiled beets | 40-60 minutes | The product is boiled over low heat in a large container, where the water covers the vegetable by at least a few centimeters. The root crop must be thoroughly washed and boiled in the peel, which is desirable to be left intact. After cooking, the beets are poured with cold water until they cool completely. |
Baked beets | 50-60 minutes | For baking, the beets need to be washed and dried, then put on a baking sheet and cover with foil. It is undesirable to cut the fruit, otherwise it will lose some of its useful properties during the cooking process. |
According to nutritionists, men, women and even children (obese or at risk) need to replace one meal, no matter which one (dinner, breakfast or lunch), with beetroot. For example, in the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink beet juice about 20 minutes before a meal - it will reduce hunger, and you will eat less than usual.
But you cannot limit yourself to one juice, otherwise after 35-40 minutes you will wake up feeling hungry due to the glucose content in beets. At night, it is recommended to eat a dietary beet salad with apples, carrots or cabbage, you can fill such salads with kefir. In addition, it is useful to periodically arrange a fasting beetroot day, but only on the condition that you do not have any of the diseases described below or contraindications associated with allergic intolerance.
Harm from root crops and contraindications
Beets can cause significant health harm to people suffering from individual allergic reactions to the root vegetable. In addition, it is contraindicated to eat beets for persons with diseases such as:
- gastritis, an ulcer in the acute stage;
- urolithiasis disease;
- stomach upset;
- inflammation of the pancreas;
- diabetes.
Unfortunately, the harm that the consumption of beets can have on health does not decrease even after heat treatment, regardless of whether you boiled or stewed beets. You should not abuse the product in any case, even if you do not suffer from any of the above contraindications.
Contraindications to the use of the leaves are gout, allergies, stomach disorders and urolithiasis.
Reminder: the beneficial properties of beet juice for the body is not a reason to drink it in unlimited quantities. The daily intake of juice is no more than 500 ml, otherwise you may experience an allergic reaction or gastrointestinal upset.
Beetroot is a versatile food rich in vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on overall health. Suitable for both men and women. Beetroot will become a natural and safe pre-workout doping agent regardless of the sport.