Hallux valgus requires strict monitoring and mandatory treatment. The main therapeutic technique for correcting the shape is the combination of massage with wearing orthopedic shoes or insoles. The insoles are less expensive and can be combined with any shoe.
Top best manufacturers of orthopedic insoles
- Talus... The orthopedic antibacterial insole is effective in the treatment and prevention of flat feet. Popular as a remedy for fractures, arthrosis.
- Valgus Plas is not a classic insole, but a special retainer that acts exclusively on the problem area.
- Orto fun... They allow you to additionally adjust the shoes for a child's foot, in some cases they can do without ordering special shoes.
- Igli Control... They have a special supporting mechanism, quickly relieving pain. They differ in the shortest adaptation period.
- Junior by formotics... Allows you to save money thanks to the system of adjusting the size as the child's leg grows.
Purchased for a child. Refuses to wear orthopedic shoes, it comes to scandals. We manage to agree with the insoles. Although they do not delight him. We are at war for the third month already. The orthopedist says that there is a positive trend, but we do not notice it.
Natalia, Sosnovoborsk
Had to order after pregnancy. I thought that all problems (lower back pain, changes in the foot) are due to a delicate position and after childbirth everything will go away. No miracle happened. The orthopedist recommended a clinic and advised not to be intimidated by the price of insoles. So I did, now I can at least put on my favorite shoes.
Larissa. Krasnodar
The daughters were prescribed hard insoles. If the spouse still somehow copes with her tantrums, then it just breaks my heart to force her to wear them. The only thing that stops you from the desire to succumb to temptation and become a good hero - a liberator - are the terrible stories of an orthopedist.
Daniel. Irkutsk
I use them regularly, I even feel discomfort if I don't wear them for several days. I work as a hairdresser, constantly on my feet. Without them, work turned into a real torture by lunchtime. Now I can afford evening walks.
Olga. Voronezh
I work as a builder. At first I thought that the pain in my legs was due to lifting weights. When the pain became unbearable, I had to go to the doctor. I was advised to buy orthopedic shoes, but with my job it is too expensive. You have to work both in the rain and in the cold, pour concrete, masonry in such conditions, and the ankle boots do not last long. I tried the insoles. Liked. For a week I got used to them, and I began to feel normal, and they clean well.
Ivan. Borodino
My son has to constantly buy such insoles. He was diagnosed with hallux valgus during a medical examination in front of school. The class was not very friendly, so you have to go for tricks so as not to give cause for ridicule. Insoles are expensive, but the problem is gradually being solved. But it seems to me that shoes in our case would be more effective.
Marina. Alma-Ata
I tried wearing insoles. Six months later I returned to the doctor for a second appointment. He said there are no changes. Now you need to buy special shoes and learn how to massage. It's a shame. So much money wasted.
Zlata. Khabarovsk
The son with hallux valgus was prescribed wearing orthopedic shoes and massage therapy. Our doctor also advised to buy insoles for wearing at home, because special shoes are not very comfortable, and expensive, otherwise you can compromise. We buy him boots with a hard back for the house and just put in such insoles. Maxim says that with insoles he is even more comfortable.
Nastya. Eagle
For some reason, it seems to me that in our country too often they diagnose hallux valgus with flat feet. Maybe this is how they are trying to promote not very popular products? In my family, such a diagnosis was made to my wife and daughter. For a year now I have simply “unbuckled” the clinic for their products, but I have never heard any joyful assurances from my girls that they are feeling better.
Sergei. Novosibirsk
I had to buy such insoles for my son. He's only two. The orthopedist promised that it would take no more than two weeks to get used to it. A month has passed, and we are constantly crying and complaining that it hurts to walk. It seems to me that there is no benefit from these insoles. Maybe you had to buy ready-made, and not order an individual production?
Natasha. Zelenogorsk
Orthopedic treatment of hallux valgus
Specialists, depending on the complexity of the case and the presence / absence of concomitant diseases in a person, can prescribe a course of treatment based on one method or on a combination of several:
- Wearing shoes with a rigid instep support;
- Use of insoles (ready-made or custom made);
- Overlay night splints or corsets;
- Combination of therapeutic massage with the introduction of anesthetic drugs;
- Application of interdigital pads.
Varus or valgus feet, what is and what to do
The curvature of the legs, in which the foot clearly protrudes outward, creating the illusion of the letter O, is commonly called varus deformity. The valgus foot is characterized by its inward displacement, which resembles the letter X. Incorrect placement of the feet leads to disorders of the entire musculoskeletal system with the development of osteochondrosis, curvature of posture, the appearance of pain in the joints, and their premature wear.
If the feet are set incorrectly, you must consult a specialist. In addition to various activities, he will help you choose the right shoes as the main method of conservative treatment.
Insoles-instep support
They differ from ordinary ones in several ways:
- The presence of the layout of the arch and instep support;
- There is low lateral support on one side, and high support on the problem side;
- A support system is provided in the ankle area for soft unloading;
- Do not absorb sweat, easy to clean;
- They have a bad attitude towards drying on hot surfaces, for example, a room battery.
What kind of shoes to wear in case of planovalgus deformity of the foot?
Wearing special shoes is aimed at supporting weak muscles in order to exclude their further deformation. That is why, when choosing a new pair, you should pay attention to the presence of the model you like:
- Dense backdrop,
- Stiff sidewall around the heel
- High instep support,
- Rolling soles for a habit of correct positioning of the foot while walking.
Do orthopedic shoes really help with hallux valgus?
The shoes themselves cannot completely correct the situation. She becomes a reliable assistant in the fight against the problem, not allowing her to take new positions. If you refuse to work to strengthen muscles, then there will be no benefit from orthopedic shoes.
- Formation of ligaments and muscles in the correct proportions, which is especially important in childhood,
- Relieving stress from the musculoskeletal system,
- Stopping the deformation of the foot,
- Restoring a beautiful posture and shaping gait,
- Distribution of the load on all muscles of the foot.
- High price,
- It is not always possible to find a pair that matches the problem. Customization is often called off by long lead times and overpriced.
The treatment of hallux valgus requires patience and significant financial investment. The use of insoles allows you to shorten treatment time due to the possibility of using them at home, and their price and high quality workmanship can help with problems with items of expenditure in the family budget.