What is running? Each person understands this concept in his own way. For some it is a lifestyle, for others, a way to earn their daily bread, and for others, an opportunity to improve their health. It will be about running as one of the health improving exercises.
Why is it that in Western Europe and North America those who go out on the treadmill in the morning are looked at with more respect than those who drive an expensive car, while in Russia everything is exactly the opposite?
It's not about mentality, but about the lack of educational activities about the benefits of running. It is not a question to prepare a champion, but to encourage the population to run for health purposes ... They say.
That this is a waste of time. And to improve your well-being, it is better to go to the gym. And why in other countries young and old run around? They don't run or walk. This style is called jogging or jogging.
What is jogging
Jogging literally translates from English as shuffling. In practice, this is a variable running style that allows you to move at a speed of 7-9 km / h. Why variable?
Jogging, the most economical style of movement, allows an untrained person to cover a distance of more than 500 m at the highest average speed. Naturally, this was known long before our era. But, the New Zealander Lydyard introduced the word "Jogging" into everyday life and developed a training system in the early 80s of the last century.
It is called the "Lidyard system". The 27-year-old young man barely ran a distance of 10 km. He wondered if at the age of 27 this distance was barely subdued, then what would happen at 47? This system allowed Lidyard at 61 to run a marathon (42.195 km) at an average speed of 14.3 km / h.
Difference from other types of running
The main difference is the lack of binding to any result. Official competitions are held in the following disciplines:
- Race walking - 3.10, 20, 50 km;
- Sprint - 100, 200 m;
- Running with hurdles - 110, 200 m.
- Running from 400 to 42195 m.
But in jogging there are no championships, except at the amateur level. At its core, jogging is a bit like a marathon. But, the average speed of a marathon race exceeds the average speed of an average jogger by 1.5 times or more.
Every athlete, be it a sprinter, stayer, middle-distance runner, or walker strictly adheres to a certain technique, and the main thing for a jogger is not to get out of hand.
Most cross-country disciplines are held on a special, shock-absorbing surface. Exceptions are cross country running and marathon. But training for the development of a certain technique, for example, general physical training, is carried out on an area with any relief. For jogging, the choice of terrain does not really matter.
Finally, a different approach to the process! The ultimate goal in sports running is not only to finish, but also to do it as quickly as possible, and the jogger runs until it reaches a slight euphoria due to the release of the pleasure hormone endorphin.
Common features of jogging
The main feature of jogging is that the maximum speed throughout the entire distance practically coincides with the average. That is, the distance is covered evenly without acceleration and deceleration. This mode allows you to save energy, because after a run, many do not go to bed, but go to work!
Running technique
For jogging, the main thing is a sense of rhythm. Beginners mentally play some motive, repeat a tongue twister or a poem. The arms are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, but do not carry any aerodynamic load, they just do not interfere in this position. The back foot is lifted off the ground at the moment the front foot touches. There is no or practically no support-free phase in jogging.
The foot is placed by rolling from heel to toe, as when walking, but a short-term unsupported phase is allowed. Moreover, there will not be a picky judge behind the turn and will not disqualify you for incorrect foot placement! The body is slightly tilted forward. The greater the slope, the longer the unsupported phase - the greater the load on the calf muscles.
Where is the best place to study?
It is believed that the stadium cover is best suited for jogging. It's a delusion! A soft coating loads the calf muscles, a hard one creates an excessive load on the joints.
If you have a jogging stadium in your city, you're in luck, otherwise, the best option is ordinary asphalt and good sports shoes. In sneakers, you can only run on a perfectly dry surface. On wet, they slip.
You can, from time to time, complicate the task for yourself, for example, run on gravel or over rough terrain. Such exercises pump the lower leg.
When is the best time to study
It is believed that effective jogging is possible only in the morning hours. But, such a concept does not take into account the peculiarities of the biorhythm of the human body:
- Larks. The peak of biological activity is from 06:00 to 10:00.
- Owls. Active from 16:00 to 20:00.
- In 5% of the population, the maximum peak of biological activity occurs at night.
The maximum efficiency from jogging is achieved at the peak of the biological activity of a particular individual. How to find out this time period? Typically 1-2 hours after waking up.
The benefits of jogging
- Improving brain activity due to the flow of oxygen.
- Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
- lung development.
- Acceleration of liver regeneration.
- feeling of mild euphoria.
- Burning fat.
Fat Burning Efficiency
What's the best way to lose weight, jog, diet or take dietary supplements? If we talk about jogging, then it is not recommended to use jogging for weight loss without an appropriate diet. On average, an hour run burns 360 kilocalories.
The easiest way to get energy is from carbohydrates, they are burned first. Fats are more energy-intensive, but their breakdown requires 3-5 times more energy, they are burned in the second place. Proteins are burned last. Naturally, after jogging, an increased appetite appears.
Therefore, in order to use jogging for weight loss, you need to adhere to the following diet:
- Run on an empty stomach.
- After a run, to compensate for the spent energy, consume only carbohydrates - berries, fruit juices, boiled vegetables. You should not eat potatoes (starch does not completely decompose, and the remnants of its decomposition, dextrins are difficult to remove from the body), nuts, dairy products.
- After a few hours, you can eat a boiled egg, boiled lean meat, seafood, dairy products, in particular cottage cheese.
- Before going to bed Porridge (buckwheat, rice, - remove toxins; millet - enriches the body with iron; oatmeal - if there is an imbalance of the intestinal flora).
- Refrain from fried and fatty pork meat.
- Hypertension or hypotension. With increased pressure, increased blood flow can rupture blood vessels. When it is low, the blood vessels can expand earlier than the blood flow accelerates, which leads to fainting.
- Heart disease.
- Glaucoma.
- Varicose veins.
- Flat feet - you need to perform additional exercises for the exercise therapy complex.
- Atherosclerosis - acceleration of blood flow is fraught with displacement of cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels.
- Recently suffered traumatic brain injury.
- Arthritis and rheumatism.
- lack of vitamin D in the body - rickets.
- Moon's disease - fat cells are activated. The body not only compensates for the burnt fat, but also increases its storage.
Despite the benefits of jogging, there are enough contraindications. To make jogging benefit, and not harm better, adhere to the following recommendations before starting classes:
- Before the first run, undergo a detailed examination at the district clinic and, based on the data obtained about the general condition of the body, consult a doctor about the advisability of these exercises.
- Alternate jogging with other strength training exercises, such as bodybuilding exercises.
- At least for the first few months, find an experienced jogger and start running under his careful guidance.
- Before starting classes in order to lose extra pounds, answer as honestly as possible to the question: "can you not succumb to the all-encompassing feeling of hunger?"