Double jumping rope is one of the most favorite exercises for crossfit beginners. Every first person tries to learn how to do them with great diligence. And as soon as it turns out, the beginner experiences a colossal surge of joy - after all, since then he is no longer a beginner.
Jumping ordinary single jumps is rarely difficult for any CrossFit athlete, and perhaps we will not stop there today. But when it comes to spinning the rope twice in 1 jump, most beginners have difficulties. Today we will talk in detail about the engagement of the double jumping rope technique, including on the video, some interesting statistics about this exercise, as well as its irreplaceable benefits in the training process.
Initial position
Attention: you can effectively and quickly learn to jump double jumping rope only by observing all the stages of the jump. There is nothing complicated in them, but this is exactly the case when thorough adherence to the technique gives a guaranteed result. So, starting position - look at the example of a jump in the picture below.
© Drobot Dean -
- The elbows are as close to the body as possible at the waist.
- The wrists are slightly bent outward and relaxed.
- The forearms are slightly extended forward so that when looking straight ahead, you can see with peripheral vision both the right and left wrist with a rope in hand.
- Legs are at the width of the pelvis or narrower (no need to spread wide). Ideally closed with each other.
- The legs are straight, perhaps slightly bent at the knees (slightly!) - as a preparatory stage for the jump.
General points
- The back is straight in a neutral position (shoulders are slightly lowered) - in general, a relaxed body position, not with a soldier's bearing.
- Body weight is distributed to a greater extent on the front of the foot. We do not tear off the heel! (more precisely, we tear off already in the jump, of course
- The jump rope is behind the back.
Let's sum up the starting position when jumping rope - your body is relaxed, your legs are together, your wrists protrude slightly forward so that they can be seen from the corner of your eye, your elbows tend to the body at the waist level as much as possible (without bends).
You should be comfortable in this position. If you feel stiff or uncomfortable, then you did something wrong.
How to choose the right rope length? We stand with our feet in the middle of it and apply both arms to the body - optimally they should be at the level of your chest. Or use the following table for exact numbers.
Human height in centimeters | Rope length |
152 | 210 |
152-167 | 250 |
167-183 | 280 |
183 and higher | 310 |
How to jump double jump rope? We will talk about this further - we will show an effective teaching technique and important rules for performing this exercise.
Double Jump Rules
Remember a few important rules and at the same time key mistakes, attention to which during the jump will allow you to quickly learn how to do doubles.
- Only the hands and forearms work - the smaller the amplitude of hand movement, the better. The most common mistake when an athlete tries to accelerate the rope to two revolutions is to include the entire arm., thus, the amplitude of the rope movement increases significantly and does not have time to scroll 2 times in 1 jump. The elbow is always in 1 position!
- We try to jump high with our calves and feet - we jump out strictly vertically and without overlapping heels back! (It often happens that the heels fly back instinctively and the athlete cannot do anything about it - we will talk about how to deal with this in the next section). Sometimes it is allowed to throw the legs in reverse - forward.
- Do not deviate much from the starting position - the hands are still brought out slightly forward, the elbows are at the waist, the legs are together.
- It is advisable to use a high-speed crossfit rope. (but it is also possible to do it on a regular one).
Keep two things in focus - aiming for a high jump and fast rotation with your hands, and then learning to double jump rope becomes an exciting activity, not a routine.
© Drobot Dean -
Technique for performing double jumps
So, how to learn to jump double jump rope step by step? We will analyze the learning process step by step.
First stage: single jumps
Of course, you first need to correctly learn how to jump single jumping rope. It's not enough just to be able to jump - you need to do it observing the technique. The main criteria under which you will be objectively ready to proceed to the next stage will be:
- You should be able to jump single jumps, keeping an even pace from 100 times. Moreover, doing 100 not with the last effort, but objectively understanding that you coped with the exercise without super efforts.
- You should be able to jump high jumps using your calves and feet, while slowing down the speed of the rope. In this case, also keeping the same theme and make at least 50 jumps in a row.
Stage two: try doubles
Having passed the first stage, honing your skills, you are ready to move on to the second stage of preparation and we will learn how to do double jumping rope correctly.
- We return to our high "lingering" jumps. We do the following - 4-5 times we do single high jumps with a slowed amplitude of rotation, and for the 6th time we rotate a double revolution as sharply as possible. Well, we do it until it works out.
- If it still doesn’t work, then most likely you are 1) Or you are not jumping high enough 2) Or you rotate not with your hands and forearms, but with your whole arm 3) Or your elbows go beyond the level of the belt forward or backward or to the side 4) Or your wrists are not protruding as needed = perhaps all of this together. What do we have to do? We carefully monitor our body at the time of the attempt and analyze which of the specified rules falls down and work on it.
- If it starts to work out, then we continue to train until 1 double for 4-5 singles becomes the norm for you.
Stage three: final
In general, having passed stage number 2, we can say that you have already overcome the barrier that separates you from the ability to jump double jumping rope. Now the question is only in your diligence, work and regular training practice. Try to devote enough time to reducing the number of single jumps between double jumps - as soon as you enter 1 through 1 mode, it is already a decent result. Stay on it - if you manage to do 100 + 100 without losing the rhythm, then you are ready to move on to the final stage of mastery - constant double jumps.
The benefits of double jumping rope
We think that it is appropriate to talk about the benefits of double jumping rope only in comparison with single jumps, since it is obvious that jumping in itself is a very cool and highly effective cardio crossfit exercise.
So why is double better? Yes, everyone
- The energy consumption of the exercise is several times higher - you burn much more calories;
- The lower part of the legs is actively pumped - there are not so many exercises for this part of the body;
- This is perhaps one of the best coordination exercises - you will understand and control your body much better.
© Makatserchyk -
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