Pumpkin is a healthy and tasty vegetable that is eaten in a wide variety of forms. Due to its chemical composition, pumpkin is extremely popular among those who are on a diet or simply follow the right diet, and for athletes this vegetable is just a godsend. Pumpkin pulp is quickly absorbed, which allows you to eat it almost at any time of the day. However, this melon culture has contraindications for consumption.
In the article we will consider who can eat pumpkin, and who is categorically not recommended, and find out what nutrients this melon culture is rich in.
Nutritional value and composition of pumpkin
The composition of the pumpkin pulp and its nutritional value depend on the particular plant variety. But whichever variety you choose, it will always be healthy and nutritious.
Pumpkin is 90% water. This is a big plus for those who follow their figure. But nevertheless, it contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements. Let's find out the composition of this storehouse of vitamins. Below is a table showing all the nutritional properties and chemical composition of the vegetable crop (the table shows the values per 100 g of classic food pumpkin):
Nutrients | Amount in the product (per 100 g) |
Protein | 1 g |
Fats | 0.1 g |
Carbohydrates | 4.4 g |
Alimentary fiber | 2 g |
Water | 90.8 g |
Starch | 0.2 g |
Ash | 0.6 g |
Mono- and disaccharides | 4.2 g |
Organic acids | 0.1 g |
Vitamin A | 250 mcg |
Vitamins PP | 0.5 mg |
Beta carotene | 1.5 mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0.05 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0.06 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0,4 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 1.6 mg |
Vitamin B9 | 14 μg |
Vitamin C | 8 mg |
Vitamin E | 0,4 mg |
Calcium | 25 mg |
Magnesium | 14 mg |
Sodium | 4 mg |
Potassium | 204 mg |
Phosphorus | 25 mg |
Chlorine | 19 mg |
Sulfur | 18 mg |
Iron | 0,4 mg |
Zinc | 0.24 mg |
Iodine | 1 μg |
Copper | 180 mcg |
Manganese | 0.04 mg |
Cobalt | 1 μg |
Fluorine | 86 μg |
As you can see from the table, there are a lot of useful things in the vegetable. As for the calorie content of pumpkin, it all depends on how it was prepared. For example, boiled pumpkin has 20 kcal, baked pumpkin has a little more - 22 kcal. Calorie content directly depends on what will be added to the pumpkin. If you want to pour honey or sugar on the vegetable, its energy value can increase to 50 kcal per 100 g.
Pumpkin is a versatile product that allows you to eat it in the morning, afternoon and evening.
A good and tasty pumpkin must be chosen. When buying a vegetable, give preference to dense and fleshy varieties of bright orange color: these are the fruits that will be tasty and sweet. Pale varieties are fodder. Such vegetables have a mild taste. Do not buy pumpkins that have dents or cracks: the shell of the vegetable is already broken, which means that the rotting process may begin inside.
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The benefits of pumpkin for humans
Pumpkin is especially useful for the female body. A large amount of vitamin E has beneficial effects on skin, nails and hair. Gynecologists recommend eating an autumn vegetable to increase the chances of pregnancy, as vitamin E is involved in the formation of new healthy cells. But for those who have already reached menopause, pumpkin will become a good antidepressant that will help get rid of discomfort during this period.
After baking, boiling or steaming, the pumpkin retains its useful properties.
In pumpkin, not only the pulp is edible, but also the seeds. They are high in magnesium, zinc and protein. But the energy value of the seeds is much higher than that of the pulp. 100 g of seeds contain 556 kcal, so they should be introduced carefully into your diet. For example, they make oil that can be added to salads, in this form this product will bring more benefits.
Many men are also interested in the benefits of pumpkin. The stronger sex should pay attention to the seeds, since they contain a lot of zinc, and it is he who participates in the production of testosterone. Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds protects men from prostatitis. Also, men should drink pumpkin juice, as it rejuvenates very well. This is a great option to refuel after a hard workout.
The benefits of pumpkin for the human body are as follows:
- It has a diuretic effect (remember that it is 90% water), which helps people who suffer from kidney problems. Raw pumpkin is recommended for people with kidney failure, as well as for the prevention of tuberculosis.
- Since pumpkin is a strong antioxidant, that is, it is useful in preventing any pathogenic processes at the cellular level.
- For those who are obese or struggling with excess weight, pumpkin is a real godsend, as it helps to digest foods faster.
- With the constant use of pumpkin pulp, blood pressure is normalized. For people who play sports (active fat burning workouts that lead to increased blood pressure are especially popular now), a few pieces of pulp will help normalize blood pressure.
- Although pumpkin doesn't have that much vitamin A, it also has a beneficial effect on vision.
- Pumpkin is high in vitamin C, which supports the immune system. With the onset of autumn, try to eat a vegetable as often as possible - you will be less sick.
Scientists have noticed that with regular use of this autumn beauty, sleep is normalized, so those who suffer from insomnia should definitely introduce pumpkin into their diet.
This melon culture has a good effect on the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract). Therefore, people who suffer from constipation are advised to make themselves gruel from fresh pumpkin. Such a treat is eaten for breakfast and is better on an empty stomach. Do not worry about stomach discomfort, it will not be, since the pumpkin is well and quickly digested (it does not matter whether it was cooked or not). Also, raw pumpkin will benefit those who have liver problems - only in this case it is better to use it for lunch or dinner.
Human health is a complex mechanism that needs to be carefully monitored, and pumpkin is an excellent helper in this matter. If this vegetable is in your diet all the time, your health will improve, and your systems and organs will function smoothly.
Since the pumpkin is a gift from autumn, and it does not grow all year round. But it can be prepared, for example, by freezing it in pieces or placing it entirely in a cold and dark cellar. Pumpkin has excellent keeping quality and ability to be transported over long distances.
Benefits for Strength Training
Pumpkin seeds will be the most beneficial for strength training people. For athletes, they will be more useful than pulp, since it is in the seeds that the maximum content of vitamin E is, and it reduces the likelihood of injury to muscle tissue during exercise (this is especially true for people who lift a lot of weight in the gym).
For those who are involved in heavy sports, pumpkin seeds will help to "build" and not lose muscle mass. This is possible thanks to vitamins E and C. With intense exertion, muscles can tear (many call this "dizziness", but in fact muscle pain means that the fibers are torn), this is normal if the athlete is doing intense or strength training. But it is important that the fibers recover quickly and well. Here vitamins C and E come to the rescue, which contribute to a quick recovery. Vitamin E is responsible for elasticity and helps muscles to stretch well and “heal” properly after exercise. The use of pumpkin pulp and seeds keeps the body in good shape, does not allow muscles to "rust" and stagnate. Men are advised to eat a glass of seeds a day for a month, then take a break for the same period.
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Only raw seeds are considered useful. If they are fried, there will be no benefit from them, only extra calories. The competent use of seeds will benefit, despite the high calorie content, since a lot of strength and energy is expended during exercise.
Women who are engaged in bodybuilding, on the contrary, should give preference to pumpkin pulp, since it does not contain such a high calorie content (the female body, unfortunately, absorbs the excess faster).
In addition to having a positive effect on human muscles, pumpkin is often used in weight loss, especially by women. This issue is worth understanding in more detail.
Slimming benefits
For weight loss and cleansing of the body, pumpkin is an irreplaceable product. Girls in pursuit of a slender figure choose a variety of methods, not an exception, and pumpkin diets. However, the best diet is proper nutrition. Only a properly constructed diet and physical activity will help to achieve good results.
If you decide to use pumpkin in your diet while losing weight, give preference to dishes made from fresh vegetables. For example, fresh salads and cold cream soups are great options. Pumpkin cocktails and smoothies are a good source of vitamins after a workout, so bring pre-made fresh juice with you. In addition to pumpkin, choose your favorite fruits and vegetables.
We already mentioned earlier that pumpkin has a beneficial effect on the intestines, therefore, at the stage of losing weight, the vegetable is used as a cleansing component, taken on an empty stomach.
The main thing is to remember that with a pumpkin diet, you can only drink green tea, pumpkin juice and water without gas.
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If you can't give up coffee, drink the drink no more than once a day. Coffee, like tea, is recommended to be drunk without sugar.
But how do you take a pumpkin for weight loss? There are a few rules to remember:
- daily you need to drink a glass (200 ml) of pumpkin juice on an empty stomach, preferably 20 minutes before meals;
- drink a glass of water or green tea throughout the day before meals;
- exclude sweet fruits from the diet at the time of the diet;
- if you feel hungry, eat pumpkin - a few pieces will be enough;
- you can't eat after six in the evening.
Choose cereals such as buckwheat as your main course. Also, at each meal, you need to eat several pieces of vegetable. Pumpkin soups, stews, and more are an alternative to the usual dishes.
The pumpkin diet gives good results, the main thing is to adhere to the regime.
Harm and contraindications
To whom the product is contraindicated, and it should either be limited in consumption or completely excluded from your diet:
- Diabetics. There is a lot of starch in pumpkin, when heated it breaks down and is better absorbed by the body, so the glycemic index may be higher than that of a raw product. As a result, baked, boiled, and steamed pumpkin will raise blood sugar levels. If you have type 2 diabetes, you can only eat raw pumpkin and then in limited quantities.
- People who have gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage should also stop eating pumpkin.
- Those who suffer from gastritis should be careful with seeds: they can only worsen the condition, since they contain salicylic acid, which irritates the mucous membranes.
- During pregnancy, you should stop eating pumpkin seeds, as they can provoke early childbirth.
Be careful with pumpkin juice, as it can cause nausea and bloating and in some cases lead to diarrhea. It is better not to drink juice in the evening.
Important! Pumpkin has a choleretic effect, so people with gallbladder problems should be more careful with a vegetable.
Benefit and harm always go alongside, being on a fine line. But one thing to say with certainty: if you use pumpkin in moderation, then nothing terrible will happen.
Pumpkin is a unique storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Not every product can boast that many nutrients. The use of this vegetable has long gone beyond the culinary framework; pumpkin is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Eating pumpkin wisely will have a positive effect on your health.