A bruised knee is a common injury that results from a blow or fall. Due to the lack of effective prevention measures, people of different ages are susceptible to injury. Athletes, children and the elderly are at particular risk. Despite its external harmlessness, a knee injury requires timely treatment, the absence of which can lead to serious complications.
Victims often underestimate the severity of their injury. This is due to the fact that a sharp pain syndrome, swelling and limited movement in the knee joint often do not appear immediately after a bruise. As a result, the pathology remains without the necessary treatment.
Knee contusion can be of varying severity, which only a doctor can determine:
- Minor injury due to external mechanical impact. The integrity of the skin and blood vessels is maintained. The damage is accompanied by short-term pain and goes away on its own. You can eliminate pain syndrome using rubbing massage movements.
- Bruise with hematoma or abrasion. There is a slight violation of the integrity of the skin and rupture of small blood vessels, resulting in a bruise. Medical care allows you to eliminate inflammation and speed up the resorption of the hematoma.
- Rupture of soft tissues in the area of the knee joint (damage to the meniscus).
- Sprain injury. Only a doctor is able to diagnose this pathology, since its symptoms are similar to a third-degree contusion. The victim experiences pain, swelling, redness and limited movement.
- Contusion complicated by dislocation or fracture. The most dangerous type of injury associated with deformation of bone and joint tissue. Treatment of this degree of injury is impossible without surgical intervention.
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As a result of damage to the joint, an inflammatory process develops, manifested by multiple clinical symptoms. A surgeon diagnoses a knee injury based on an objective assessment of research data (ultrasound, radiography, etc.) and characteristic manifestations.
The severity of the clinical picture depends on many factors:
- the strength of the traumatic agent;
- the area of the damaged surface;
- angle of mechanical impact;
- localization of injury.
Symptoms allow the doctor to confirm the diagnosis of a bruise and exclude the presence of other injuries. The main manifestations of a knee injury are:
- Puffiness provoking pain syndrome. A swelling is a sign of fluid accumulation in the knee cavity. This symptom may indicate hemarthrosis, as a result of which the size of the joint increases.
- Pain caused by a traumatic agent. In the absence of serious damage, the pain syndrome passes rather quickly. In the event of complications, the nature of the pain directly depends on the degree of their severity. In severe injuries, it can be so intense that it causes fainting. Redness of the skin at the site of injury indicates the occurrence of a post-traumatic reaction of the body to damage to the joint.
- Limited range of motion in the knee joint. This is a clinical symptom of severe bruising that distinguishes it from other injuries.
The first thing that should alert the victim after injury is if a specific sound occurs when bending and extending the knee joint, i.e. knee crunches.
First aid
First aid for a bruised knee should be provided in a timely manner and competently so as not to harm the patient. The victim should be lifted and placed on a bench.
In case of intense pain syndrome, if a person is not able to step on his foot, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Perhaps a severe injury to the knee resulted in a ligament rupture or fracture.
© designua - stock.adobe.com. A possible injury with a bruised knee is a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament.
It is possible to diagnose this condition only in a specialized medical institution.
Before the arrival of doctors, the leg should be immobilized and a cold compress should be applied to relieve swelling. The damaged area must absolutely not be heated. Heat can cause the knee to swell severely. Abrasions or wounds on the skin are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
Who to contact
The primary therapy for a knee injury and rehabilitation measures are carried out by a traumatologist. In more serious cases, the victim is referred to a surgeon and orthopedist.
The primary task of the doctor is to exclude a more serious pathology. The specialist should assess the condition of the patella and the articular endings of the femur, tibia and fibula. The most reliable diagnostic method is radiography.
The doctor is obliged to study the history and perform a clinical examination of the patient. This eliminates sprain or rupture of the ligaments.
The difficulty in diagnosing a bruise lies in the fact that fresh injuries have similar symptoms to a meniscus injury: sharp pain and hemarthrosis. A meniscus rupture at an early stage is characterized by the presence of nonspecific symptoms. MRI, ultrasound and arthroscopy helps to exclude this diagnosis. The listed diagnostic methods make it possible to effectively assess the state of the soft periarticular tissues.
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Treating a bruised knee
After providing the victim with first aid, the doctor examines and prescribes drug therapy. The first time after injury, the patient should stay in bed and avoid stress. It is rather difficult to immobilize the damaged knee joint, so the recovery process is slow. With mild injuries, the discomfort disappears within a month.
Drug therapy for a knee injury is aimed at relieving pain, eliminating edema, hematomas and hemorrhages.
The complex of treatment includes:
- pain relievers (ointments, injections, tablets): Diclofenac and Ketanov;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- ointments to activate the processes of resorption of hematomas;
- chondroprotectors;
- warming ointments: Finalgon. It is possible to warm the affected area no earlier than 5 days after the injury.
After a decrease in pain, physiotherapy is prescribed 1.5 weeks after the injury. Electrophoresis, UHF, phonophoresis and other procedures stimulate blood circulation in soft tissues and restore joint mobility.
Exercise therapy, swimming, yoga and Pilates all help speed up the recovery process. Walking at a moderate pace is also recommended.
For severely bruised patients, a knee puncture is performed to remove fluid. After it is carried out, the knee is fixed with a tight bandage or orthosis to reduce mobility. Antibiotic therapy is in progress.
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Folk remedies
Drug therapy is not always safe for the baby or women during lactation and pregnancy. Folk remedies are capable of eliminating pain, swelling and inflammation in mild injuries.
- A mixture of 40 ml of medical alcohol and the same amount of water must be impregnated with gauze. The compress is applied to the affected area for 30 minutes with a break of 6-8 hours. The procedure helps to reduce swelling and pain.
- To prepare the compress, mix equal proportions (20 ml) of water, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. A natural fabric soaked in liquid should be fixed on the knee for 4 hours using a film and a warm scarf. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening until the unpleasant consequences of the injury are eliminated.
- A composition of 35 g of aloe pulp and honey should be rubbed into the sore knee under a gauze bandage. Do not rinse off within three hours.
For a quick effect, it is recommended to use a white cabbage leaf. He fights back until the juice appears. One of the sides is smeared with honey. The sheet is applied to the affected knee, fixed with an elastic bandage and left overnight.
Lack of quality medical care or non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician can lead to serious complications:
- Intra-articular hematoma. It requires pumping blood out of the joint cavity and ensuring long-term rest.
- Dislocation or fracture. They are dangerous due to the complete loss of functionality and long-term treatment, which does not always give the expected effect.
- Ligamentous apparatus injury. A painful condition, for the treatment of which complete rest and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs are required.
- Rupture of the meniscus. In the absence of proper treatment, it can lead to disability.
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- Cartilage deformation, muscle fiber atrophy and loss of motor function.
- Bursitis. An inflammatory process that occurs with improper treatment. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature, swelling, pain. One of the complications is infection, requiring the intervention of a surgeon.
The most common consequences of a bruised knee are bumps, wounds, bruises, and limitation of leg movement. Knowing the possible complications will enable a person to avoid serious health problems.
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There are simple guidelines for preventing a bruise under the knee:
- observance of caution when conducting sports training;
- lack of intense stress on the knees;
- choosing the right shoes with reliable foot support;
- adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet;
- avoiding wearing high-heeled shoes.