Every day, in the morning or in the evening, hundreds and thousands of people go out for a run around the world - this is not just a walk in an intense rhythm, but also taking care of your own health and shape.
In this case, sports are also important, this is not just a massive race, but a movement that should be paid attention to.
Sports running - name and technique
Under such a concept, most often they mean not just a mass or single race, but overcoming a certain distance in one or another, most often the shortest possible period of time.
Depending on the distance, the so-called mileage, running technique and the presence / absence of obstacles, and so on. Many of these may be hobby activities, but most are sports activities.
Sprint - running at a distance of 100, 200, 400 meters
The most popular among many types of sports is short-distance running - this is both sport, as well as excitement and entertainment. And the density of running here is so high that the one who recently ran last can come first, because it is called the most unpredictable type of running in terms of competition results.
Athletes distinguish 3 main and specific types of sprint types.
So the first include:
- Race at a distance of 100 m.
- At a distance of 200 m.
- At a distance of 400 m.
Speaking of specific, they include a race of 30, 60 or 300 meters, but no more. If the main types of sprint running are included in all sports programs at the world level, even in the famous
Olympic Games, then secondary - only in the race for the European championship, and even in the arena. And most often in the latter case, we are talking about a race of 60 or 300 meters, but distances of 30 meters are more likely control verification standards and a component of testing programs.
Average distances - 800, 1500, 3000 meters
It is second in popularity only to sprint running. In this case, the running density is lower than in comparison with the sprinter. So the main parameters of running include: control at 800, 1500 and 3000 meters.
In addition, standards such as 600, 1000 or 2000 meters are also applicable. And the first distances are included in the main programs of games, the second ones are much less applicable. But, nevertheless, each of them has its own advantages and its fans.
Long distance run - over 3000 meters
At its core, it is a race that exceeds 3,000 meters. In sports practice, there are race distances that are conducted either within the stadium or along the highway.
In the first case, athletes compete at a distance of up to 10,000 meters, but all the rest, more than this indicator - the second option.
The main distance programs include 5,000, 10,000 meters, as well as 42 and 195 meters. At the same time, 15, as well as 21 kilometers and 97.5 meters, plus distances designed for 50 and 100 kilometers are referred to additional running programs.
In relation to the latter, it has its own purely specific, special names. In terms of a 21 kilometer race, that's half, a 50 or 100 kilometer race is an ultra marathon distance. They exist, but they are not included in the program of the Olympic Games.
He has 2 types of disciplines in his program, albeit with a slight difference in distance. This includes running 100 meters, as well as running 110 meters, sports competitions on 400 meters. Each is designed for a certain level of the athlete's training and temporary obstacle overcoming.
The big difference lies precisely in the first format of the race - in particular, the distance with the 100-meter hurdle is covered exclusively by women, and the distance with the 110-meter hurdles is covered exclusively by men.
There is no gender difference in the 400 meter race. And on the distance itself, regardless of its duration, there are only 10 obstacles, excluding the distance options.
Relay race
The so-called relay race can also compete seriously enough for the sprint - it is formed according to the principle of 4 races over a certain number of meters.
- 4 runs of 100 m.
- 4 x 800 m.
- 4 distance sections for a distance of 1500 m.
For the most part, all standard relay programs pass without overcoming obstacles. But in addition to the main ones, there are additional types of relay races.
- Swedish relay - 800 x 400 x 200 x 100 meters.
- Four 100 each with overcoming the established barriers.
The main rule of the relay type of running is the participation of at least 4 sprinters in the team, although this rule does not apply to sports races held within the framework of a particular holiday.
Varieties of running workouts
The very name sports running went as opposed to jogging in the form of health training, which can often be observed in a park or forest, since it can be done if you have certain skills.
In particular, strength and endurance and reaction are required from an athlete. Therefore, if you are a beginner and first entered the jogging path, it is worth knowing how this or that workout is conducted.
Jogging or jogging
The word jogging itself has English roots and comes from the medical term - jogging. And there is no difference in this type of running, it is traditionally amateur jogging, which is often used as part of recovery and rehabilitation programs.
So, in essence, Fartlek is an interval training, which in the program provides for the alternation of different running rates. As an example, the first 1,000 meters can be covered in 5, the second in 4.5, and the third in 4 minutes.
This type of running does not provide for an easy run and requires a lot of willpower from the runner. As a result, this type of running is not inherently easy, requiring a lot of effort.
Rogaining is a team species. In fact, it provides for the athlete to pass a control point at a distance. For the most part, it resembles orienteering, but somewhat with different tasks and goals.
Cross running
The most popular and demanded form of running among amateurs and professional athletes, carried out on rough terrain.
The route can pass both through the forest and sand dunes, shallow water bodies and other natural obstacles.
This type provides for a combination in the program of overcoming obstacles in several types of terrain. Much depends on the level of training of the athlete himself and the distance of the distance.
Marathon run
Marathon run is a race, the distance of which does not exceed 40 kilometers in length. And although not all countries hold it, the whole world is watching it, since a marathon runner must have good training and endurance, a desire to win.
It is these qualities that are called the most basic in marathon running - many athletes do not attribute it to the sports category.
Athletic running is not just a run as part of a sports program. This is taking care of health and playing for primacy, training the mind and body, then in the end it will make the body fit, the spirit strong, and the excitement - healthy. But the main thing in every sports competition is not so much the victory itself as a healthy, sports competition between athletes.