Many people are familiar with this problem firsthand, it is a common disorder. The pain in the buttock itself is unpleasant, it brings a lot of inconvenience. But most often it does not pose a threat to health. Nevertheless, one should know that the body in this way gives a signal in the form of pain about its ill health.
Why do the buttocks hurt after running?
A person's buttocks can hurt as a result of diseases of the connective tissue, muscular nervous system, and bone tissue. The most common reasons: injuries, excessive physical activity, infectious processes, pathologies of various organs, systems, etc. Let us analyze what causes the buttocks to hurt most often.
Intense physical activity
Excessive exertion most often leads to muscle soreness. This is the term for delayed muscle pain after intense physical exertion. It usually occurs in 20-70 hours. It is felt especially well when moving; after rest, the pain recedes slightly.
With excessive physical exertion, the muscles do not receive enough oxygen, therefore, creatine phosphate and glycogen begin to break down. As a result, lactate will be released, i.e. the well-known lactic acid. Microtrauma and tears are formed in muscle tissues. They will hurt until they overgrow. This is a normal physiological process.
Microtrauma appears only in response to an unusual load to which the muscles are not accustomed. When the body adapts, the level of creatine phosphate and glycogen will increase, which means that there will be less microtrauma and pain, and over time it will be completely possible to avoid it.
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica)
Sciatica - leads to pinching of the sciatic nerve. All his roots are irritated too. The nerve starts in the back, branches out and goes through the buttocks to the legs. Inflammation causes: hernia, spinal stenosis. Consequently, sciatica is pinched or irritated, inflammation occurs.
Therefore, the buttocks hurt, in the first phase it is felt in the lumbar region. Further, the inflammation spreads downward. The pain goes away from time to time, but it always comes back.
Even atrophy is possible. As a rule, pain is present on one side. In women, the right leg is mainly affected, in men, on the contrary.
Inflammation of the gluteal muscles
The following diseases lead to muscle inflammation:
- Excessive stress - jogging without warm-up, unreasonable exercise in the gym without a coach. Everything hurts: buttocks, hips, back, legs.
- Stress - negative experiences and stress often lead to excessive muscle tone.
- Polymyositis - characterized by damage to muscle tissue cells, followed by atrophy. Development is given by autoimmune processes.
- Curvature of the spine - accordingly, the tone of the muscles changes. Some muscles are too relaxed and overstretched, while others, on the contrary, are tense and as if compressed. The deformation is sometimes even invisible to the eye. Therefore, if the buttocks hurt for more than a week, consult a doctor. Only he will be able to diagnose the disease.
- Fibromyalgia - poorly understood, has an unclear genesis. The main symptom is persistent muscle pain. The muscles of the arms and legs are affected, but the buttocks also often hurt.
- Myalgia primary and secondary - associated with visible damage to muscles, all joints.
- Myositis is an irreversible inflammatory disease of muscle tissue.
Lumbosacral osteochondrosis
The patient experiences constant pain: lower back, tailbone, hips, buttocks hurt. There is a tone in the lower back, muscles of the buttocks. Sensitivity is decreasing. But the opposite effect is also possible: weakness of the gluteal and femoral muscles, decreased mobility of the hip joint, back.
Intervertebral hernia
An intervertebral hernia causes severe pain throughout the spine. It spreads to the hips, pulls the legs, buttocks hurt unbearably. It usually hurts on one side of the body, depending on where the nerve is affected. The sensitivity in the buttocks and thighs is impaired. Weakness and a persistent tingling sensation may be troubling.
Purulent-inflammatory processes
Often the buttocks hurt as a result of various purulent-inflammatory processes.
Most often it happens:
Phlegmon Is an inflammatory process of adipose tissue, diffuse and purulent. It manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the buttock, redness, swelling.
Abscess - resemble phlegmon symptoms. But the abscess looks different - it is a cavity filled with pus. The surgeon diagnoses and treats these diseases. The treatment is mainly surgical, and various antibacterial drugs are indicated.
Osteomyelitis - characterized by the presence of a purulent-inflammatory process in the bone. The patient feels unbearable, sharp pain. Therefore, standing and sitting is very painful.
There are 2 types of osteomyelitis:
- hematogenous - the infection entered the bloodstream directly into the bloodstream;
- post-traumatic - microorganisms entered the wound from the outside.
Furuncle - looks like a cone-shaped eminence, very painful. In the very center there is a core of purulent-necrotic content. Redness and slight swelling are noted around. Most often it can be seen on the pope
Wrong injection - a hematoma may form. This means that the needle has entered directly into the vessel. If the hematoma is small, then over time it can safely dissolve. Large hematomas become infected often turn into abscesses. This is due to the negligence of honey. the staff or the patient himself will comb the wound with dirty hands and bring the infection.
A lump (infiltration) may appear on the buttock. Meaning that the drug was injected not into the muscle, but into the adipose tissue. There are few blood vessels in it, from which inflammatory and infiltrative processes most often occur there.
Diseases of the hip joint
All diseases begin in different ways, but the result will be the same: they hurt in the buttocks, hips, there is a violation of motor functions.
The following reasons can cause the disease:
- genetic predisposition:
- metabolic disease;
- trauma, microtrauma, fractures;
- lack of calcium;
- various infections: viral, microbial.
Frequently recurring illnesses:
- Osteoarthritis - articular degenerative disease, observed with wear and tear of cartilage. The first sign: buttocks hurt, stiff joints, inevitable lameness and disability.
- Femoro-acetabular syndrome - bone processes (osteophytes) are formed. The main reason is joint injury.
- Bursitis - inflammation of the bursa, characterized by the formation of exudate. The reasons are often very commonplace: hip bruises, unnatural overload of the joint.
- Osteonecrosis - occurs when blood circulation is disturbed. The bone lacks nutrients, so cell death occurs. This often leads to: taking corticosteroids, serious injury.
This is a pathology of joints, muscles, fibrous tissue. It is characterized by sensory overload, almost constant pain in the body. Headaches, constant fatigue, depression torment the person.
The disease is difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to many other diseases. The pain in the muscles does not allow sleeping, and in the morning it is unbearably difficult to get out of bed, there is no strength. This disease affects 3-7% of the population, but more often it is detected in women.
Myositis is muscle inflammation. It can be caused by severe infections: staphylococcus, viruses, various parasites, etc. The impetus of the disease can be given by injuries, muscle tissue overstrain, hypothermia. Myositis develops in violation of metabolic processes in the body, with endocrine diseases.
The patient has pain in the buttocks, the muscle structure is compacted, there is a limitation of mobility. The muscle tissue of the limbs, back, lower back is affected. With severe myositis, the muscles become thinner and often it ends with atrophy, disability.
Diagnosis and treatment of gluteal muscle pain
Any disease has its own specific signs, the so-called symptoms of the disease.
The doctor first collects an anamnesis, conducts an examination, asks questions:
- When did the pain first appear, how long does it last?
- Are the joints mobile?
- In what part do you feel pain, what else bothers you?
- Is there a temperature?
- What actions were taken for the treatment?
After that, the doctor will refer you to the right doctor or will prescribe additional studies himself:
- biochemical or general analyzes;
- CT, MRI, ultrasound;
- X-ray;
- Electromyography, etc.
For example, with osteochondrosis, conservative treatment is carried out. Prescribe anti-inflammatory non-hormonal agents, massage, physiotherapy is indicated.
If necessary, computed tomography is performed. If the buttocks hurt due to a bruise, or banal physical overload, ointments and gels (anti-inflammatory) can be used, rest is indicated.
An intervertebral hernia is usually treated by a neurologist or orthopedist. The most effective treatment method is laser. With myositis, an extract from mountain arnica is indicated for rubbing. Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out: UHF, phonophoresis, electrophoresis, etc. Myositis is diagnosed by a neurologist. Electromyography or ultrasound is prescribed.
Treatment is conservative or operative. Medication can be prescribed only by a doctor, for each disease - its own treatment.
What can be used without harm to health, at the first painful symptoms:
- anesthetic liquid with novocaine, alcohol, anesthesin in the form of an ointment or oil solution;
- analgesics: Toradol, Ketanov, Ketorolac, Lidocaine, Ultracaine, Novocaine;
- any sedatives if needed;
- anti-inflammatory drugs, relieve pain, relieve inflammation.
Preventive measures
Consider your lifestyle first, lack of physical activity often leads to illness.
Preventive measures:
- Learn to sit in a chair: your hips and knees should form a right angle. The weight will be distributed to the pelvic bones.
- Sleep on an orthopedic mattress.
- Avoid overloading the gluteus maximus.
- Watch your diet, drink enough water.
- It's a good idea to master a set of exercises to strengthen muscles.
- Remove excess weight if needed.
- Exercise regularly, but in moderation.
- Eliminate the possibility of hypothermia.
- Systematic warm-ups are necessary for sedentary work.
- Treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.
To protect yourself from such problems, lead a correct lifestyle, exercise regularly. If within 3-4 days it will not be possible to answer your question "Why do my buttocks hurt?" consult a professional doctor for help and advice. Do not self-medicate, health is more expensive!