Various diseases often occur during an active life. The most common ailment is inflammation of the veins and blood vessels. This is a very unpleasant and painful phenomenon. How do legs hurt with varicose veins? Read on.
How legs hurt with varicose veins - symptoms
Like the causes of this disease, there are several symptoms. Some of these are similar to other diseases.
In case of severe pain, doctors advise contacting a medical institution for diagnostics:
- for several months the pain may not bother a person at all (there is no tingling, but the ailment really does occur);
- in some cases, edema of the lower extremities may appear (without pain);
- heaviness, aches and severe fatigue in the lower limbs;
- strong protrusion of blood vessels and veins, the appearance of thickenings;
- itching and burning.
Often, varicose veins can occur in the form of swelling and heaviness in the legs. The appearance of pain and tingling sensations indicates a progressive illness that requires treatment and preventive procedures.
What factors provoke the development of varicose veins?
- an important role is played by heredity, since in most cases the disease can manifest itself in connection with a genetic predisposition;
- often the cause of the onset of the disease is pregnancy and childbirth (biological activity changes, extra pounds appear);
- various ailments inside the body affect: allergies; endocrine manifestations; poisoning and infection;
- wearing the wrong shoes, as a result of which there is strong tension in the lower limbs;
- previous leg injuries;
- regular load on the legs during training, work.
Diagnostics and treatment of varicose veins
If you experience discomfort, pain and suspicions about the appearance of varicose veins, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist. Surgical intervention should not be feared here. There are many methods for getting rid of such a disease and preventing recurrence.
Drug treatment
Modern medicine offers a wide range of different drugs to eliminate the first signs of varicose veins. These are antioxidants, vitamins, phlebotonics, antiplatelet agents and others.
Antioxidants and vitamins help to strengthen the body and adjust it to normal functioning, supply the vessels and venous walls with the necessary nutrients. These include B6, B1, B2, omega-3, iron, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, zinc. It is also useful to eat fresh black currants.
Phlebotonics and antiplatelet agents help to improve blood flow, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and strengthen the lymph. Among such drugs are ointments, gels and tablets: Troxevasin and Troxerutin; Detralex; Anavenol. Their cost is from 120 rubles and more.
It is also recommended to use leg bandages (especially saline), elastic bandages, special tights and bandages. Together with ointments and gels, they contribute to the rapid penetration of substances deep into the skin, as well as maintaining tone and elasticity.
Traditional methods
Among folk remedies, one can distinguish ointments, gels, decoctions, compresses prepared at home. Doctors advise seeking advice before using a particular method of treatment, as side effects may occur.
Natural remedies must ensure normal blood flow, as the blood in the veins and blood vessels stagnates due to valve damage.
Usually use: celandine; cabbage; sagebrush; honey; Apple vinegar; ginger; tomatoes; pumpkin; viburnum; potatoes; lemon; onion; mummy; fish fat. This is not an exhaustive list. Here are some recipes to help reduce pain and swelling.
- you need to take several onions and remove the husks from them;
- put it in a small bowl and pour vodka (it is recommended to infuse the substance for at least a week);
- then strain the entire mixture and take 20 drops orally every day;
- for a compress, the mixture should be heated (it should not be cool or hot);
- apply a bandage moistened with the mixture is allowed every day until a positive result appears.
- you need to take honey and fish oil in a 1 to 1 ratio;
- mix the ingredients thoroughly and spread on a linen cloth;
- it is recommended to wrap the legs in a cloth and leave in this state overnight.
Physiotherapy procedures are necessary for normal blood circulation and circulation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, and preventing the formation of blood clots. Such procedures can be applied at any stage of the course of the disease.
The main directions are:
- electrophoresis;
- amplipulse therapy;
- darsonval method;
- magnetic therapy at low frequencies;
- electromagnetic radiation;
- the use of laser therapy;
- application of the microwave and UHF method;
- the use of a special pressure chamber;
- ozone therapy;
- paraffin applications using medical equipment;
- ultrasound treatment;
These are the most effective physiotherapeutic methods for treating varicose veins today. Usually they should not be used by citizens who have: tuberculosis; crayfish; chronic liver or kidney disease; sepsis; mastopathy; during pregnancy and lactation.
Prevention measures for the manifestation of varicose veins
There are a lot of preventive measures to prevent the development of varicose veins. They can be used together or independently.
Here is a partial list of effective ways:
- it is not recommended to be in the same position for a long time or cross your legs - this will lead to stagnation of blood and the formation of clots;
- when sedentary work at the computer, it is recommended to perform simple exercises every 30 minutes or an hour (you need to get up and stretch the limbs, toes and hands, perform circular movements with the neck);
- in the evening before going to bed, you should put a pillow or rolled blanket under your feet so that they are slightly above the level of the heart;
- overweight can also cause varicose veins, which means that you should control the amount of food consumed (excess calories are harmful to the heart, respiratory system, as it causes them to overload);
- It is recommended to drink about 1.5 or 2 liters of liquid daily;
- shoes should be selected individually, comfortable and comfortable;
- you should not consume excessive amounts of alcohol, smoke cigarettes;
- do not massage the feet and legs, if the doctor did not recommend it for varicose veins;
- every day you need to walk for 15-20 minutes for normal blood circulation;
- you need to try to avoid stressful situations, poor health and mood;
- you need to correctly and evenly distribute food (the diet should constantly contain fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, berries and meat).
Varicose veins is a disease that can be cured with folk remedies or medical ones. The main preventive rule is timely treatment, you cannot start the body - this contributes to the progression of the disease. Today, there are many ways to get rid of leg pain forever.