Many people want to go jogging, but they often don't have enough time and energy. Therefore, let's consider what a person will get 10 minutes of running every day.
It must be understood that we are not looking at fast, sprint running, but jogging, when a person runs every kilometer in about 7-8 minutes. So 10 minutes of running is equivalent to one and a half kilometer distance.
10 min jogging for weight loss
Jogging for 10 minutes a day will not help you lose weight. In order for the body to be forced to use the reserve in the form of fats, it must be given a large load, and in 10 minutes slow running he will not receive such a load. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider such a short period as weight loss, even if you run regularly.
Although, in fairness, it should be noted that any physical activity improves metabolism. And this contributes to weight loss. Therefore, in conjunction with proper nutrition, even 10 minutes of jogging can bring results.
10 minutes of jogging to improve heart function
Any, even short-term, activity of the body makes the heart beat faster. Therefore, even 10 minutes of jogging a day will help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
10 minutes of jogging to improve lung function
Running for 10 minutes can also help your lungs work. While running, even slow and short, have to breathe harderthan usual, so the body receives significantly more oxygen than usual. I don't think it's worth talking about the benefits of oxygen.
10 minutes of running to increase endurance
Even 10 minutes of jogging a day can help you increase your stamina and reduce fatigue at work. But only regular exercises can bring the desired result. If you run 10 minutes once a week, then your body's endurance is unlikely to increase significantly.
10 minutes of running as a charge
10 minutes of jogging is the best way to keep you energized for the whole day. Instead of doing standard exercises in the house, you can go outside and run for 10 minutes. This will help you wake up and feel light for a long time.
10 minutes of running won't make you an athlete, however regular jogging can give a lot of benefits to the body.
To improve your results in running at medium and long distances, you need to know the basics of running, such as correct breathing, technique, warm-up, the ability to make the correct eyeliner for the day of the competition, do the correct strength work for running and others. Therefore, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the unique video tutorials on these and other topics from the author of the site, where you are now. For readers of the site, video tutorials are completely free. To get them, just subscribe to the newsletter, and in a few seconds you will receive the first lesson in a series on the basics of proper breathing while running. Subscribe here: Running video tutorials ... These lessons have already helped thousands of people and will help you too.