Walking on the buttocks is an extremely beneficial exercise for both women and men. It has a healing effect on many vital systems, promotes weight loss, helps to improve the shape of the fifth point, which is important for women. The exercise gained immense popularity in the early 70s of the last century, for its simplicity and high efficiency. It is one of the compulsory disciplines of physiotherapy exercises, as it successfully helps to maintain the tone of the muscles of the pelvic region.
For the first time, this exercise was proposed to be included in the complex of measures for the treatment of prostate adenoma and hemorrhoids, Professor I.P. Neumyvakin in 1970. Later, walking on the buttocks began to be used in fitness programs, as they noticed that it helps to lose weight in the buttocks.
There are other useful properties - walking on the buttocks, according to reviews, helps to get rid of cellulite, is an excellent prevention of constipation, helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, abs, and, in fact, the fifth point. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of walking on the buttocks for women and men, how to do it correctly, and whether the exercise has contraindications. We see you are interested - well, let's start!
Benefits, harms and contraindications
In this section, we will study in detail what the exercise of walking on the buttocks gives for women and men, whether they can harm the body and whether it has contraindications.
Benefits for women
- Eliminates cellulite;
- Increases the elasticity of the priests;
- Helps to lose weight in this area of the body;
- It has a positive effect on the reproductive function, eliminates congestion in the pelvic organs, has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system;
- Such physical activity is considered light, it improves blood flow to the pelvic organs, and helps to maintain them in good shape. All this helps to reduce menstrual pain on critical days;
- Strengthens the spine;
- Helps to remove toxins and toxins, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes;
- Prevention of constipation;
- Treats hemorrhoids.
If you carefully study the reviews on the exercise walking on the bottom, and the results before and after, it becomes obvious that most people speak out positively. It is important to understand that walking on the fifth point alone is not enough to achieve any of the tasks listed above. It is necessary to monitor health, nutrition, skin condition. This exercise will be a powerful addition to any set of measures that you plan to achieve your goal (for example, running for weight loss is effective).
Benefits for men
In addition to all the health benefits listed above, here is what walking on the buttocks is useful, specifically, for men:
- Prevention of genitourinary diseases;
- Strengthening potency by improving blood circulation in the pelvic region;
- Prevention and treatment of prostatitis;
- Hemorrhoid treatment.
The exercise also has contraindications, ignoring which can cause serious damage to health:
- I trimester of pregnancy;
- Active phase of menstruation;
- Exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
- Soreness in the abdominal region, in the back.
- Please note that if the movement on the fifth point is incorrect, you can cause additional stress on the joints and spine, which is fraught with pain and injury. We recommend that you learn how to properly do the exercise walking on the buttocks by video - open any video hosting service, enter a request and delve into the details.
- Also, if you exercise too intensely, you can rub your skin. People who have it too sensitive may develop rashes, redness;
- It is important to practice on a special rug so as not to chill the organs of the reproductive system. This is especially true in the cold season, if you have a draft at home or in the fitness center.
By the way, on our site you will find a description of yet another "exotic practice" - Taoist kneeling. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it: it is easy to perform, but it can be very useful on the way to a healthy and beautiful body!
Execution technique
So, after studying the reviews about the benefits for women from the exercise walking on the buttocks, we concluded that the result will appear only if it is performed correctly. Let's explore the main nuances of the technique:
- Any workout always starts with a warm-up of all parts of the body. Pay special attention to torso bends and squats. By the way, in order to pump up the ass, squats are simply irreplaceable;
- During movement, the hands are raised up and fastened to the lock at the back of the head. If you feel that you are losing balance, you are allowed to swing your arms bent at the elbows, maintain balance and return them to their original position;
- They sit on the floor, keep the body straight, strictly perpendicular to the floor. Neck straight, looking forward;
- The stomach must be drawn in, the shoulders must be taken back;
- The legs are bent at the knees and relaxed. They should not participate in walking, it is the buttocks that do the main work;
- Move slowly, without jerking, 5-7 cm in one "step";
- It is allowed to "walk" back and forth;
- The duration of one workout is 10-15 minutes.
We reviewed the reviews and results of walking on the buttocks for weight loss and came to the conclusion that this exercise is indeed very effective. It doesn't take very much effort and doesn't take long. If you want to have a round and beautiful butt, be sure to train every day, without skipping. Don't forget about proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. You can also add meditative walking for peace of mind. It is simple to perform and helps to tune in the right way.
Walking on the buttocks: nuances
So, we examined the benefits of walking on the buttocks for women and men, and introduced you to the technique of performing the exercise. There are a few more nuances that you should be aware of:
- The most comfortable clothes for walking on the pope are sleek short shorts and a light T-shirt;
- The duration of the training is allowed to gradually increase, bringing it up to half an hour at a time;
- After the session, we recommend moisturizing the skin with lotion or cosmetic oil;
- Make sure that the main load during training falls on the buttocks, they should be tense. Otherwise the whole meaning will be lost;
- We found one interesting recommendation in the reviews about walking on the buttocks for cellulite - it is advisable to practice on a non-slippery, but better, fleecy surface - this way it will be more difficult to move, due to the frictional force, and therefore the effect is higher.
We are finishing the article, now you know what benefits and harms the exercise of walking on the buttocks gives, and how to perform it correctly. When the task ceases to seem difficult to you, we recommend increasing the load: try to exercise with your arms outstretched and holding a plastic bottle between your feet. This makes it much more difficult to move, which means that your muscles will begin to strengthen again. If you are interested in how many minutes to walk, walking on the buttocks in a more difficult way is performed for the same 15-30 minutes. The most important thing is to train every day, preferably at the same time.
So, if you dream of a toned and beautiful ass, strive to improve health, get rid of cellulite and excess weight - prepare your butt for adventure. Be determined and persistent - after a month of regular training, the result will be visible to the naked eye!