Previously, it was believed that these sensations are most often experienced by athletes and the elderly, but over time, more and more people go to the hospital with similar symptoms, regardless of their professional activity and age, even preschool children.
There can be many reasons for pain in the knee joint, but at the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The main causes of pain inside the knee can be:
- Excessive physical exertion on the legs.
- Injuries.
- Arthrosis.
- Arthritis.
- Inflammatory processes in the tissues.
- Rickets.
- Rheumatism.
- Sprains of ligaments and tendons.
- and etc.
Symptoms pass in different ways, they can occur periodically and pass during the day, pain when going up or down the stairs, when the weather changes, swelling appears, etc., but over time they intensify and you cannot do without complex treatment.
My knee hurts very badly, what should I do?
If it started suddenly, then you need to immediately fix the joint with an elastic bandage and apply ice for several days, and also limit physical activity to the maximum. In order to prevent swelling, the body should be in a position above the chest level.
In medical practice, it is not uncommon for a plaster cast to be applied to ensure knee rehabilitation. In case of intense pain that does not go away for 2-3 days, an urgent need to consult a doctor. Most likely, the cause of these pains was the premature aging of the knee joint.
Knee joint: what influences its premature aging?
Factors that affect the premature aging of the joint:
- Osteortrosis and arthrosis. It is these diseases that lead to premature old age and its complete immobility.
- Aging of the whole body with age.
- Overweight in an overweight person has large loads on the knees, which exceed the norm by several times.
- Metabolic and hormonal imbalance.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Hard physical work.
- Operations, trauma, hypothermia.
- Circulatory disorders.
- Other diseases.
Premature old age of joints is fixed by a doctor and in cases where improper posture, bad habits and even the environment can harm them.
Knee joint structure
The knee joint is complex in structure in the structure of a person. Its base is represented by the junction of the tibia and femur. The outer side is called lateral, and the inner side is called medial. The force of movement is provided by the cruciate ligaments.
The thickening of the meniscus cartilage, which is located between the joints, provides an even distribution of the load on the knee, and itself is surrounded by sacs of fluid that allow the bones to slide freely and reduce friction between the tendons.
The quadriceps anterior muscle straightens the knee while the hamstrings flex the knee. This complex structure provides good knee mobility.
Knee pain, causes
It is caused by a variety of reasons, but according to medical practice, if we consider the pain that arises from physical exertion, then often the patient's complaints are as follows:
Knee joint hurts after running, reasons
They often occur if you are running for the first time. At first you might think that it is the joints hurting, but these are muscles.
But if the jogging is regular, and before they did not bother, then the joints already hurt and you need to understand the reasons that can be caused:
- Injury to the meniscus, that is, to the inside of the knee. You can get it with an injury to a leg rotation, improper load on the knee, with a sharp squat or jump.
- Dislocation of the calyx. The pain in the area of the calyx is felt immediately, and if you do not take timely measures, but continue to run, they will become chronic.
- Destruction of the knee tissue from intense physical exertion. Mobility is felt immediately and sharply decreases.
- Sprained or torn ligaments. It is immediately acute, swelling appears and mobility decreases, the touch is very painful, and it is almost impossible to get on the leg.
- Intervertebral hernia.
Knees hurt while walking, reasons
They arise if the integrity is violated, that is, it is affected.
This is caused by:
- Inconvenient shoes. Correct load distribution is deformed.
- Any knee injury, even the most minor at first glance.
- Physical activity associated with lifting heavy objects.
- Circulatory disorders.
Knees hurt during and after squats, reasons
For example, it can be difficult to climb or descend from a staircase or while exercising.
The reasons may be:
- Sprained or ruptured tendons.
- Arthrosis or arthritis.
- Incorrect execution of the exercise technique.
Knee pain during extension and flexion
If they occur in the case of flexion and extension of the knee, then they are most likely associated with diseases such as Schlatter's disease, which is felt both when walking and when flexing and extending the knee, arthrosis or arthritis. Reduce load immediately to a minimum.
Doctors recommend using crutches during this period, and shoes should be comfortable and soft. With timely admission to the hospital, the disease can be cured completely in a short time. Another cause of pain when bending or extending the knee can be the accumulation of fluid in the periarticular bag. The joint is practically motionless. Pain occurs when the sciatic nerve is inflamed.
Inside knee pain
They disrupt the performance of its basic functions. The joint may become hot when touched, swelling and slight redness appear. Bruising is common.
This can be caused by:
- Arthritis.
- Any leg injuries.
- Repeated repetition of the same physical exercises that cause overload. For example, going up stairs repeatedly, cycling long distances, running long distances, etc.
- Bone infection.
- Baker's cyst.
- Osteochondritis.
Why do knee pains occur?
They arise due to the fact that the joint begins to deform, the connection between the tissues is broken, and any loads are distributed precisely on its inner side.
Causes of knee swelling
Almost all violations cause swelling, most often it instantly occurs when:
- Inflammation of the tendons - tendinitis.
- Injuries.
- Osteoporosis.
- Patella displacement.
- Dislocation.
- Fracture.
- Gout.
- Inflammation.
Joint pain and swelling: help at home
The help of qualified doctors is urgently needed, and before their arrival, provide the following assistance:
- Complete rest.
- Apply ice for 10-15 minutes.
- Make an alcohol compress.
- Treat with iodine mesh.
When is knee pain not related to disease?
It can be caused not only by illness, but by excessive loads that urgently need to be reduced, lifting heavy objects, fatigue, stress. If after rest the knee does not hurt, then the cause is not an illness.
Treatment with folk methods
For treatment, not only pharmaceuticals are effective, but traditional medicine also provides a lot of treatment methods:
- Ointment for pain and inflammation. To prepare the ointment, you must take the following herbs in equal amounts: St. John's wort, sweet clover, hops. Mix them with petroleum jelly until smooth. Process the knee with the resulting mixture and wrap it in warm material before going to bed.
- Treat with sea buckthorn oil throughout the day. To enhance the effect, drink sea buckthorn tea.
- Treat with aloe juice mixed with honey.
Knee Pain: Treatment
After the doctor has made a diagnosis, you can start treatment:
Bruised knee
The pain appears abruptly. It is necessary to immediately fix it with an elastic bandage and apply cold. Limit any movement for a while.
Damage to the inner or outer menisci. Surgical intervention will be required.
Ligament rupture
Sharp pain with an instant decrease in supporting and motor functions, often resulting from injuries. It is necessary to ensure complete rest and apply a plaster cast in the hospital.
Chronic patellar dislocation
Fixation with an elastic bandage or splint, as well as reduction of physical activity.
Inflammation of the tendons
The use of special ointments and drugs on prescription. Limiting loads.
Inflammation of the bag of the joint. Treatment is as follows:
- Providing rest
- Applying pressure bandages
- Warming ointments
- The doctor may prescribe antiseptic punctures or punctures
- Warming up
It is a common inflammatory condition.
It is treated as follows:
- Prescription of medications
- Special ointments
Reactive arthritis
It leads to rapid deformation of the joint and its complete immobility. It is treated with medication.
The inner side of the joint becomes inflamed, fluid begins to accumulate. Treatment can be medication, but most often the intervention of a surgeon is necessary.
Goff's disease
It causes the degeneration of adipose tissue, as a result of which mobility is lost. In the treatment, special massages and procedures are prescribed, as well as medicines and health exercises.
Decreases in bone density. The doctor prescribes medications, massage and exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises).
Bone inflammation. Treatment with medication only.
Bone tuberculosis
A very dangerous infectious disease that affects the bones. It is rather difficult to cure it. Assistance in treatment is provided by several doctors at once: a therapist, orthopedist, neurosurgeon and phthisiatrician.
At the first appearance of pain in the inner side of the knee, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any disease responds well to treatment in the initial stages of development. Physical activity should be moderate, weight is normal, nutrition is rational, and bad habits should be left in the past.