Knee pain during leg extension occurs for various reasons. Most often this is an injury or the onset of joint disease. It is accompanied by constant pain, stiffness in movement and swelling, redness.
Knee pain when extending the leg - causes
If pain occurs in the knee joint during extension, the reasons are:
- trauma;
- inflammatory processes;
- penetration of infection;
- arthritis;
- arthrosis;
- rupture or tear of ligaments;
- damage to tendons;
- changes in the knee cartilage.
Physiological factors
Joint diseases are most often affected by:
- in old age;
- with excess body weight, excess weight over 30 kg;
- with constant work associated with lifting weights;
- genetic predisposition.
In such cases, the joints are weaker and more prone to damage. In old age, the joints wear out and inflammation begins. With excess weight and load on the body, all the load goes to the legs, which contributes to the development of diseases.
Traumatic injury
Traumatic injury results from:
- falling to the knee;
- intense physical activity;
- sudden jumping onto a high surface;
- short distance running, acceleration;
- jumping lunges with knee touching the floor;
- lifting weights;
With a knee injury, the pain lasts from 30 minutes to several days. If the blood vessels are affected, then cyanosis of the tissues forms at the site of damage, and temporary numbness is possible.
Violations of different parts of the knee may occur:
- damage to ligaments or tendons;
- damage to the meniscus;
- cracks or broken bones;
- dislocations.
Inflammatory processes
Inflammation in the knee joint most often occurs with hypothermia, as a result of an allergic reaction, heavy physical exertion, and infection.
This causes the following diseases:
- arthritis;
- arthrosis;
- injury;
- inflammation of the periarticular bag;
- infectious suppuration of the joint.
If the cause of the inflammation is an allergy or injury, then it will go away on its own within 3-4 days, without medical intervention.
Arthrosis and arthritis
Arthrosis and arthritis have their own distinctive features. Each of them affects the knee joint. With arthrosis, only the joints are affected, and with arthritis, the whole body suffers from infection. Arthritis is also caused by a malfunction of the immune system.
Arthrosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- pain manifests itself when the knee moves, in the initial stages it is insignificant, subsides at rest;
- a crunch appears when the limb moves, the joint is erased, the bones rub against each other;
- limb movement causes discomfort and stiffness;
- the appearance of the joint changes.
Arthritis is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- constant pain, especially at night;
- complete stiffness of the joint or the whole body;
- body temperature rises;
- chills;
- excessive sweating;
- weakness;
- psoriasis appears on the skin.
Pain diagnostics
For knee pain on extension, your doctor will take a detailed history of your symptoms.
Then he prescribes blood tests:
- biochemical research;
- general blood analysis;
- immunological research;
In addition to analyzes, a functional examination is carried out:
- x-ray;
- magnetic resonance imaging;
- computed tomography of the joint;
- ultrasonography;
- atroscopy;
- radionuclide research;
- thermography.
All studies are carried out according to the indications, most often it is enough to take a picture, if the picture is not clear, an additional examination is prescribed.
Treating knee pain with leg extension
Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Prescribe medications in combination with folk remedies. It is not recommended to take pills on your own, the doctor takes into account all the features of the disease and the individuality of the body.
Drug treatment
With drug treatment, pain relievers are prescribed:
- Ibuprofen;
- Acetaminophen;
- Analgin;
- Napproxen;
- Diclofenac;
- Ketorolac;
- Nise.
Preparations that help restore cartilage tissue, protect them from damage.
Chondroprotectors belong to the group:
- Teraflex;
- Rumalon;
- Don;
- Structum;
- Artradol;
- Honda Evalar;
Antibiotic treatment is also prescribed in the presence of an infection:
- Sulfasalazine;
- Ceftriaxone;
- Doxycycline;
- Tetracycline;
- Ciprofloxacin;
- Azithromycin;
- Erythromycin.
The complex takes drugs that restore blood circulation:
- Pentoxifylline;
- Actovegin;
- Euphyllin;
- Lipoic acid
With an inflammatory process and severe pain syndrome, steroid hormones are prescribed:
- Hydrocortisone;
- Diprospan;
- Celeston.
Traditional methods
Folk remedies have been used for a long time, they help relieve inflammation.
Most effective methods:
- A solution of iodine on alcohol is rubbed on a painful place;
- Chopped potatoes are mixed with 15 ml of kerosene. The joint is smeared with a mixture. Make a compress, leave overnight, repeat for 7 days.
- Chop potatoes and horseradish root. The mixture is applied to the damaged area, a compress is made. Leave for 5-6 hours. Fresh medicine is prepared every 2 days. Repeat for 6 days.
- The onion bulb is cut into thick rings and applied to the damaged area. Bandaged, leave for 3-4 hours;
- Dandelions are poured with alcohol, insisted for 1.5 months. Lubricate the knee area every day;
- Fresh flowers of black elderberry and chamomile are poured with boiling water, insist. The water is drained, the mixture is applied to the joint, wrapped like a compress for 4-5 hours;
- Fresh pine branches are steamed and insisted. The knee is washed with the resulting solution every day.
- Mustard and honey are taken in the same quantity. Warm up in a water bath until honey dissolves. The mixture is applied to the damaged area;
- The cabbage leaf is washed and applied to the knee, rewound with an elastic bandage, and left overnight.
- Pour calendula bush with water, bring to a boil. Then hot applied to the swollen place, wrapped in cellophane and insulated. Leave it overnight. Duration - 2 weeks.
- Hot vegetable oil is spread and rubbed into the knee with massaging movements. Duration - 7 days.
- The oat straw is crushed. The mass is applied to the sore spot along with a heating pad. Wrap up with a warm cloth. Duration - 3-4 days.
Exercises to treat joints
Physical therapy has been developed for the treatment of knee joints. It restores the work of the knee joint, relieves pain and develops its normal movement.
Useful exercises for joints:
- Lying on your stomach, in turn, raise each leg up, hold it for about a minute and gently lower it. For each leg, repeat once.
- Body position as in the previous exercise. Legs are lifted up in turn, held for 2-3 seconds and lowered. For each leg, repeat 12-16 times.
- With good physical condition, you can try to do the exercise. Position as in the previous exercise. Both legs are lifted up and gently spread apart. In this position, they linger for half a minute, smoothly return to their original position.
- Lying on your side, one leg bent at the knee, the other straight. Perform side lifts with a straight leg, hold the leg in the air for 40-60 seconds. Repeat for each leg 8-10 times.
- Sitting on a chair, in turn, raise the leg as high as possible. Delay for 50-60 seconds, gently lower. Repeat 7-8 times.
- While standing, they raise the body on the toes. In the up position, they linger for 10 seconds, smoothly lower. Repeat 8-12 times.
- Standing straight on the heels, the toes are raised as much as possible. They are held in position for 20 seconds, smoothly lowered. Repeat 8-12 times.
- Standing straight, roll from one foot to the other. In this case, one leg is on a full foot, the other on a toe. Change the position of the legs with smooth movements. Do it smoothly for two minutes.
- At the end, self-massage of the lower extremities is performed, lasting 3-4 minutes.
- Position - lying on your back, legs raised up, arms along the body. Simulate cycling. Duration 4-5 minutes.
- Position - standing, leaning on the wall. Smooth squats down, with a hold in position for 30-40 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times.
Surgical intervention
Surgical intervention is performed using a special camera through a small skin incision.
Carry out as follows:
- Partial or general anesthesia is performed;
- Two small incisions are made;
- Introduce the camera;
- Perform the necessary manipulation;
- Stitches are applied.
Surgical intervention allows:
- Align, remove, sew the damaged areas of the meniscus;
- Heal damage to cartilage;
- Restore ligaments.
Dangerous consequences
In the absence of the necessary treatment for pain in the knee during extension, there is a risk of developing the following complications:
- arthritis can gradually affect all joints of the body;
- disability;
- complete lack of movement in the knee joint;
- the formation of bone growths on the joints;
- with an infectious nature, the infection may spread throughout the body.
Knee pain during leg extension occurs for various reasons. This can be a symptom of a disease and requires a doctor's examination. There are several methods of treatment and diagnosis. Folk remedies can also help relieve pain and inflammation, but cannot be the main treatment.