General body massage is used as a health-improving procedure aimed at activating metabolic processes in the body, with fatigue, symptomatic pain in the muscles, to stimulate the work of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, internal organs and life support systems, to improve the condition of the skin, as one of the anti-cellulite massage techniques, to improve the general condition of the body.
Its effectiveness depends on numerous factors - the duration of the sessions and the entire procedure, the chosen technique and techniques.
During the massage, the body reflexively reacts to mechanical stimuli - stroking, rubbing, pinching, kneading, vibration. The response of skin receptors, receptors of the nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems activates all the forces of the body, activating their work. In this regard, general body massage is recommended for sedentary work, chronic fatigue, headaches and dizziness, it helps to relieve muscle tension during physical exertion.
Several techniques have been developed for performing general body massage, but all of them are based on the alternation of movements - stroking, rubbing, sawing, kneading, beating and vibration. The sequential application of various movements from soft and smooth to stronger and more intense helps to increase blood flow, relieve swelling, since the fluid accumulated in tissues is more intensively excreted from the body, relax tense muscles, relieve nervous tension and normalize the nervous system.
Before the procedure, the masseur applies massage oil with light movements, not only facilitating the session, but also nourishing the skin and muscles with vitamins and minerals.
In some cases, talcum powder can be used as an additional agent (allergic reactions, oily skin), which adsorbs the secretion secreted by the skin containing fat and toxins, thereby facilitating the massage.
Massage procedures are carried out on the skin, cleared of sweat, after taking a hygienic shower. Warm water helps to warm up the skin and muscles, preparing them for the procedure.
When carrying out a general massage, you should follow simple rules:
- perform movements, moving from the periphery to the center, in the direction of the veins and lymph flow;
- Lymph nodes located in the bends of the elbows and knee joints, in the groin and axillary region, should be bypassed.
General body massage begins with the legs, gradually moving towards the gluteal and lumbar region, abdomen, arms and shoulder area.