When you prepare for a certain distance, you usually plan to show a certain time. However, the question often arises of how to control the pace along the distance so as to show this very time.
It is very important to understand that the more evenly you cover the distance, the better. Therefore, you always need to know at what speed to run each segment at the distance for which you are preparing.
For example, when running for 1 km it is convenient to navigate along each 200-meter line. For instance. If you plan to run a kilometer in 3 minutes 20 seconds. This means that you need to run every 200 meters in 40 seconds or a little faster.
And if you are going run half marathon... It is very good to know at what speed you need to run every kilometer and every 5 km. For example, for a result of 1 hour 30 minutes in a half marathon, each kilometer must be covered in 4 minutes 20 seconds. And every 5 km in 21 minutes 40 seconds or less.
In addition, when you are preparing to run a certain distance, you need to know how fast to run the segments. For example, if your goal is to run a kilometer faster than 3 minutes, then the segments must be run at a speed slightly higher than the one with which you are going to run 1 km. For example, if the segments are 400 meters long, then the speed of each segment should be faster than 1 minute 12 seconds. Since you will have to maintain this speed throughout the entire kilometer. Therefore, you need to train with a margin. For example, run 5 times 400 meters in 1 minute 10 seconds.
In general, the principle is clear to everyone. But each time it is quite a chore to calculate at what pace it is necessary to overcome this or that segment for a certain result at a distance. Therefore, when drawing up training programs for my students, I always use a rather uncomplicated table, which I myself made up to save time.
This table contains data for 6 main average and stayer distances. Preparation for which my students most often order. These are 1 km, 3 km, 5 km, 10 km, half marathon and marathon.
Everything in the table is very simple and straightforward. Each distance is divided into segments of 100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 10000 meters. And having found the required indicator at any of the proposed distances, you can see with what time you need to run every 200 or every 400 meters during the delivery of the standard or competition. Of course, one must understand that it is very difficult to show such figures ideally. But clearly you will understand that if you plan to run, say, a marathon for 4 hours, and ran the first 5 km in 30 minutes, then obviously. That the speed is small and not enough to run out of the planned 4 hours.
I also remind you that you can order an individual training program to prepare for any distance from 500 meters to a marathon. To do this, fill out the form: QUESTIONNAIRE
You can read the feedback from my students about training programs here: REVIEWS I guarantee you will improve your running results with a personalized training program. In addition, you can also order a course of video tutorials on preparing for various distances. details in the Questionnaire.
Below are the tables. Click on the picture and it will open in full size.
1000 meters
3000 meters
5000 meters
10,000 meters
Half marathon (21097 meters)
Marathon (42195 meters)