Special athletes fulfill the standards of the TRP complex very easily. But an experiment underway today shows what disabled people are capable of. The set of exercises developed for them is being tested in 14 regions of our country. This checks:
- Endurance.
- Power.
- Flexibility.
- Speed.
- Speed of reaction, as well as coordination.
Wheelchair running has now been replaced by performing a circle. But in the strength exercises performed, such people are still considered the strongest.
After testing a huge number of people, the Russian ministry will create special groups of developed standards designed for the deaf, for those with serious vision problems, as well as for those with limited movement.
As a result of the preliminary experiment, it turned out that the disabled easily perform the exercises prepared for them. All results obtained during the experiment will be transferred to officials. After a year, they must establish special kinds of norms. After passing the test, disabled people of such groups will receive badges deserved as a result of sports activities.