Interval jogging is a form of jogging with frequent alternation of pace: intense exercise is replaced by periods of dynamic rest. This is a great way to noticeably improve your physical fitness in a short time, tighten your figure, and lose extra pounds. At the same time, an athlete does not need a gym or a professional trainer - if you choose the right training program, study the nuances and make sure that there are no contraindications, you can do interval jogging on your own.
Slimming interval jogging
If you want, you can do interval jogging for fat burning on a treadmill, but it's still much better to exercise outside. The gym has its advantages: there are trainers from whom you can ask for advice, it is easy to set the necessary settings and sensors on the simulator, and also, music is playing there and the weather is always good. But on the street you will run in the fresh air, which is much healthier. You can fall off the treadmill and it is not very comfortable for people who are too tall - some machines are too short. Each person is free to choose suitable conditions for training himself, but we still recommend, even if you have a gym membership, sometimes get out into nature.
Interval running for weight loss in the table for calorie consumption occupies the top lines - in 20 minutes of such a workout, you will spend about 180 kcal. For comparison, strength training in the gym for the same time will help you lose only 100 kcal. With interval races, you can easily lose up to 1 kg per week, of course, provided you have the right diet.
Some people sincerely do not understand why even after three months of regular training, there is no visible result. At the same time, they forget about such an important aspect for losing weight as nutrition.
It is important to eat healthy and nutritious foods rich in protein and vitamins, but the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates and fats should be minimized. At the same time, you cannot starve yourself; you need to eat often, but little by little. Sports diet is a separate topic that is difficult to cover in two sentences, so if you are aiming at proper and healthy weight loss, we recommend that you study this topic in detail.
Let's take a look at why interval jogging on a treadmill is so effective for weight loss by reviewing the following information:
- During frequent changes in the intensity of physical activity, metabolism increases in the body;
- Further, there is an active splitting of glycogen accumulated in the liver, and then fatty tissues;
- The more often and longer the pace alternates, the more calories you will lose. You can find information on how many calories you burn while running on our website;
- And also, during such activities, you lose weight not only during a stressful run, but also during a calm rhythm (jogging) - while metabolic processes continue to work. Thus, the body loses weight even during rest;
- If you do a simple jog, your body will eventually get used to the load and will stop spending extra energy on it, even if you increase the distance. Interval running will never be addictive - it will always force you to work at your maximum strength.
Interval running: programs
Depending on the degree of preparation and the goals of the athlete who decided to engage in interval running, the weight loss training program is always compiled individually. It is important to choose the optimal regimen that will not harm your health, will allow you to achieve maximum results and give you pleasure from your workout.
We looked at the most popular interval running weight loss programs, reviews and results, and identified the highest quality ones:
- For beginner athletes, we recommend choosing a simple pattern that is based on equivalent jogging and accelerating periods. That is, jog for a minute, accelerate your pace for the next 60 seconds, then switch back to a calm rhythm. In this mode, you should run for at least 30 minutes (15 cycles of 2 minutes each, alternating).
- The following scheme is suitable for people with excellent physical fitness. Its essence lies in a gradual increase in time ranges, and then, on a gradual decline.
- Jog for a minute and speed up for a minute;
- Then rest for 2 minutes - run at maximum for 3 minutes;
- Continue for 3 minutes at a calm pace - 3 minutes with acceleration;
- 2 minutes slowly - 1 quickly;
- 3 minutes slowly - 1 quickly.
- Give yourself five minutes to rest, during which you should restore your breathing, do stretching, breathe out (but do not forget to breathe correctly even at this time), and then repeat the scheme one more time.
- Here is her one program that will suit beginners, it will suit people who know exactly how many meters they ran. The scheme includes three stages: brisk walking, jogging, acceleration - you have to run 150 m each.
- Experienced runners can safely adopt the previous program and increase the distance based on their capabilities.
To simplify the monitoring of indicators (time, distance, speed, heart rate), we recommend downloading a special application for interval running to your smartphone. It will help you figure out how much to run at first.
Interval running: benefits and harms
If you want to do interval jogging with health benefits, make sure that you have no contraindications, and also, study the following recommendations:
- Before starting a workout, be sure to warm up - the muscles should warm up well;
- Wear comfortable clothing, pay special attention to quality running shoes;
- Start and end your workout by walking at a calm pace;
- During the exercise, inhale air through the nose and exhale through the mouth;
- Drink enough water throughout the day (you can also download the app to monitor this indicator);
- Do not eat for at least one and a half hours before class;
- Do not get carried away - such workouts are held no more than 3 times a week.
Even if you have studied well the theory of interval running, how to run correctly, and even have chosen a program for yourself, you must make sure that you have no contraindications:
- Excess weight;
- Heart problems;
- Diseases of the female reproductive system;
- Pregnancy;
- Spine problems;
- Viral Diseases: Experienced trainers recommend doing interval jogging after strength training to complement it with a good cardio program. We strongly recommend that you first make sure that your level of health is able to withstand such a load.
Could such training be harmful? If you go in for sports incorrectly, thoughtlessly or at random, you can harm even ordinary walking. It is important to carefully assess the degree of your training, compare it with your goals, carefully study the specific literature, visit a doctor and consult a professional sports coach. At the same time, we advise you to find a really good specialist, and not just a boy from the gym with large muscles. If you are at the very beginning of the journey, always choose interval running patterns for beginners - it is important to gradually increase the volume to avoid stalling.
Types of interval running workouts
In addition to the schemes, there are types of interval running workouts - by choosing one of them, you can not adhere to the program at all, or apply one of them to the selected subspecies.
- Replay-based. The trainee runs in any rhythm (calm or intense), alternating with periods of rest. This workout usually lasts at least an hour;
- Interval runs. This is a short-term complex, during the implementation of which the trainee changes periods of jerks at the limit of possibilities with jogging;
- Pace sprint. This is a system for experienced runners, a prerequisite for which is an increase in sprint speed in each subsequent cycle;
- No system. This is a type of activity for amateur athletes and does not imply any program. The person himself chooses the time intervals, speed, number of cycles. This variety is the least suitable for jogging at intervals for weight loss, as it is considered gentle.
By the way, at the initial stage, do not forget to decide: "When is it better for you to run: in the morning or in the evening?" Remember that your body clock affects the quality of your activities and the results from them.
What do people who regularly practice interval running say? First of all, they note that such training greatly increases the degree of a person's physical fitness. They help get rid of cellulite and promote cardiovascular health. They perfectly build muscle mass, give the body relief and harmony.
This sport is considered difficult because it requires self-control and self-discipline, which means that it trains will and character. The benefits of such training can hardly be overestimated, therefore, we recommend including them in your sports program. In conclusion, we recall that the key to a long-term relationship with sports is pleasure during exercise, which means that you should not exhaust the body with unbearable loads. Assess your level and do not raise the bar before you are ready for it.