You can increase the indicators of strength and endurance without buying expensive exercise equipment, but using an ordinary sandbag - a sandbag, which can replace both the barbell and partner's partner.
What is a sandbag
A sandbag is a sandbag that is a sports equipment for functional and strength training. The weight of the bag can vary from 20 to 100 and more kilograms.
The sandbag is very inconvenient to lift. This load is comparable to lifting a person. Therefore, sandbag training is useful for bouncers and mixed martial arts fighters, where one of the main goals is to capture the opponent and make a throw.
Benefits of working with a bag
A sandbag requires a lot of force to grip. It is most convenient to use a "bear" grip, shoulder it or do Zercher squats.
The convenience of working with a sandbag is that it is very malleable. When performing grabs or other exercises, the bag literally fits the body, and you can squeeze it very tightly and make a throw or drag it from place to place.
The instability of the bag helps to develop the muscles of the trunk. Working with such an object brings it as close as possible to training with a real person. In this case, the exercise is the opposite of the exercise to develop the muscles of the body, which consists in maintaining stability on an unstable surface.
Lifting a 100-pound bag over your head is much more difficult than a barbell, therefore, constantly working with the bag, you can improve your performance in the gym.
The cost of the bag is significantly lower than the cost of any other strength training machine. Moreover, you can make a sandbag yourself by taking several ordinary bags, sewing them in a certain way and filling them with sand.
How to include sandbag in your workout routine
If you already have a specific set of workouts in which no words are said about a bag of sand, then exercises with a sandbag can be done as an alternative to deadlifts, squats, lifts and bench presses. Even so, after the first training session, you can feel the benefits of working with a bag.
The easiest way to do these exercises is to use a sandbag instead of barbells or dumbbells. This should be done no more than 2 times a month.
It's also worth adding a separate bag workout. Create a special set of exercises for strength and endurance. In the first case, you need to take a lot of weight, do a small number of repetitions and get more rest between sets. In the second case, on the contrary, moderate or medium weight do a large number of repetitions, while setting the minimum time for rest.
And most importantly, do not spare the bag. It can be pulled, pushed, dragged, thrown. It all depends only on imagination and physical capabilities.