Reverse bench push-ups are great exercises for pumping your triceps, stretching your back, and strengthening the back of your arms. A big plus of the exercise is its variability in the direction of increasing the load - thus, push-ups from the bench in the back support are suitable both for women with poor physical fitness and for experienced male athletes who wish to diversify the workout.
Reverse grip push-ups from the bench are so called because of the back position of the hands on the support. The athlete stands with his back to her, so the hands are located behind the body.
What muscles are involved?
- The main load falls on the triceps muscle of the shoulder or on the triceps - it works during flexion / extension of the shoulder.
- The middle delta also works (partly and back);
- Pectoral muscles;
- Press;
- Back;
- Glute, thigh and calf muscles (minor load).
Back push-ups are done from a chair, bench, sofa - any support of a suitable height (approximately to mid-thigh);
- The easiest way to do this push-up is to bend your knees while placing your legs. This option significantly reduces the overall load, so it is suitable for novice athletes and people recovering their shape after a long break;
- If you straighten your legs, the task will become more difficult, but not to the maximum;
- Also, push-ups from the bench for triceps can be done with the legs on another bench of the same height. In order to master such a technique, the athlete will have to prepare well;
- You can further increase the load by placing a heavy projectile on your legs - a disc from a barbell or a kettlebell.
Pros and cons of exercise
Reverse-grip push-ups are especially appreciated by women with loose skin on the back of their arms. It allows you to strengthen the muscles, and, accordingly, tighten the skin. In addition, reverse push-ups perfectly develop the triceps, contribute to the formation of a beautiful relief. By the way, in this exercise, the target muscles work not only on the rise, but also on the descent, that is, in both phases. And yet, it is easy to perform it at home, on the street, and in the hall. The execution technique is very simple - it is enough to catch the correct algorithm once, and in the future there will be no problems.
Among the cons, back push-ups are unlikely to significantly increase the volume of the arm muscles. For this purpose, a directional power load is required. Also, this species has many contraindications, including inflexible ligaments and joints (not prepared), past or present injuries to the shoulder and forearms. The shoulder joints receive the highest load, so it is better for athletes with an Achilles heel in this area to refuse the exercise.
Execution technique
Let's look at how to do reverse push-ups from the floor or bench - here's a step-by-step algorithm:
- Warm up - warm up target muscles, ligaments, joints;
- Stand with your back to the support, put your hands on it, fingers forward. The location of the brushes is shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight throughout all stages of the exercise. The head is raised, the gaze is directed forward. Place your legs on the opposite bench or on the floor, they can be bent or straightened. Rest on the surface with your heels;
- As you inhale, gently lower yourself down, bending your elbows to a right angle. Do not spread your elbows to the sides;
- As you exhale, return to the starting position, without jerking, straining the triceps.
- You can stay at the lowest point for a couple of seconds;
- Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps.
As you can see, reverse push-ups from the bench for triceps, the execution technique, is extremely simple - the most important thing is to work slowly and efficiently.
Frequent mistakes
Pay attention to our recommendations, this will allow you to avoid common mistakes:
- Breathe correctly - as you inhale - down, as you exhale - up. If you stay at the bottom point, hold your breath too;
- The back cannot be bent - in this case, the muscles of the core, and not the arms, will receive the load;
- The elbows in the bend phase should remain perpendicular to the floor (do not pull them apart);
- Do not go too low - this can dislocate or injure your shoulder joints. A 90 ° angle is sufficient;
- Start with adequate exercise, but don't stop there.
So, we have analyzed the technique of performing reverse push-ups from the bench from "A" to "Z", the turn of practice has come. Have you already selected a training program?
Sample program for beginners and advanced athletes
Beginner athletes are advised to do reverse push-ups from the bench in the back to the triceps at the beginning of the workout. Reverse push-ups require a lot of energy and are unlikely to be in the teeth at the end, after strength approaches. Do exercises to warm up your back and chest beforehand.
- Do 1 set of 15 repetitions with the legs bent at the knees;
- Do 2 more sets of 10 reps without bending your legs;
- Rest between sets - no more than 2 minutes;
- Perform the complex 2 times a week, each time increasing the number of repetitions by 3 pieces;
- When you feel ready, try placing the barbell pancake on your feet (secure it well).
Experienced athletes can use a reverse-arm bench push-up to flex their upper body muscles and prepare their arms for more serious stress.
- They are included either in the warm-up complex, or transferred to the end of the lesson, to consolidate the results achieved;
- Do push-ups with both arms and legs on the bench, use weights;
- Do 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps;
- Perform the complex 2-3 times a week.
Remember, back push-ups are more effective when combined with exercises for other arm muscles. In this case, the muscles will grow and develop evenly, which means that a beautiful relief will be achieved much earlier. Good luck in training!